Fisherfield strath na sealga crossings status

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 Traveller 23 Jul 2024


Wondering if anyone has been to Fisherfield recently and knows whether the Abhainn Strath na Sealga and the two crossings at the end of the round are passable at the moment?


 Mark Bull 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Traveller:

Water levels in Highland rivers like these are almost entirely determined by the amount of rainfall in the previous 24-48 hours. There are several SEPA monitored river levels in the area which should give you a fair idea:  All quite low at the moment. 

Post edited at 23:42
OP Traveller 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Mark Bull:

Thanks, that is a really useful set of data, much appreciated.

 JRS 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Traveller:

We were there today after a 3 day backpacking trip over the Fisherfield Munros in near perfect conditions.

Water levels were low and by picking the right spot it was possible to cross all the rivers by stepping from rock to rock, no wading required. Even the bog between Larchantivore  and Shenevall was relatively dry and it wasn't too difficult to avoid the remaining wet bits, though Jnr misjudged one step and went in thigh deep!

Unfortunately, we could see rain coming in as we left so the conditions may not last, keep checking the weather forecast. 

Have a good trip.

PS. Apart from at Shenevall there were very few midges too!

Post edited at 22:35
In reply to JRS:

I did the same. So pleased at crossing the river dry shod I then went thigh deep into the bog.

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