Bouldering buddy for my son

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 Sam Beaton 22 Jul 2024

We are in Sheffield and my 15yo son is getting bored of climbing with his dad. Anyone have a son of a similar age in the same boat looking for climbing friends? My son is only interested in indoor bouldering despite my best efforts to get him outside. He climbs whites at the Hangar, and purples at the Depot. He hasn't been to the Works for ages but he'd happily climb there too

 mutt 22 Jul 2024
In reply to Sam Beaton:

Aren’t there any kids climb clubs at the local walls? My son is in such a climbing club and is also happy to climb with me. 

OP Sam Beaton 22 Jul 2024
In reply to mutt:

Thank you for the suggestion, but he is much happier socialising one to one than in big groups

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