Climbing partners Scarborough area.

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 Davemywave 01 Jul 2024


I recently moved to Scarborough and I'm looking for climbing partners or any info on local climbing clubs/groups looking for members.

Haven't climbed for a while (15 years or so) but I have some previous experience.

Never climbed around here so don't know any of the crags, although Smugglers Terrace looks good.

I have boots, harness and the best part of a trad rack.

Mostly free weekends and evenings.



 guisboro andy 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Davemywave:

Cleveland MC climb on the moors every Tuesday evening, Can be found on facebook or

OP Davemywave 02 Jul 2024
In reply to guisboro andy:

Thanks Andy.

In reply to Davemywave:

I'm on the moors (based at Ravenscar) from time to time throughout the year, and would like to do a lot more at Smuggler's. 

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