Looking for climbing partners (E2-E5/6+)

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 Jamdahll 12 Jul 2024

Hi, struggling to find anyone to climb with at weekends who is happy leading/seconding E2/E3 all day (usually get 1 a day max with current partners before they’re tired) based in southeast England but very keen weekend warrior and can get away leading couple times a month. Aiming to onsight E4 and RP E5 this year happy to work hard grades too. But finding it hard to get the required mileage in when I only can get a couple routes done a weekend.

if you’re in a similar boat please get in touch!

RCI trained but not assessed also if that helps!

Post edited at 13:51
 mutt 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Jamdahll

just wondering if complaining about your current climbing partners is going to get your the results you want.

But that said I am a SLOW leader. What is your recipe for getting more routes into a day? 

for me my priorities are addressing these:

I need to be more confident questing onto the unknown

I need to be more confident in my strength lasting out to the top.

I need to do more stamina training.

I need to take less equipment with me.

I might need lighter ropes.

I don't have a lot of choice in what routes I climb as the only good local crag is Boulder Ruckle but obviously not at E2/3's are equal. 

OP Jamdahll 12 Jul 2024
In reply to mutt:

Not complaining necessarily (I knew that post would be hard to word!) but for the distance I climb on an average weekend at my local crags, it can be a bit disappointing not getting a lot done when away leading (especially as it’s usually at a much lower grade). 

My current climbing partners are all too aware off this too, if I’m not careful I’m afraid I’ll break them and so I think what I’m asking for is a taste of my own medicine!

I certainly get more done when climbing with people of similar abilities as I don’t have to lead every pitch and you can push each other a bit more.

 trying.soft 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Jamdahll:

Shame we're not based closer. We'd get on well.

 UKB Shark 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Jamdahll:

Maybe worth asking beforehand if they are willing to just belay when they’ve done enough climbing for the day and you can then just strip routes on abseil. 

OP Jamdahll 14 Jul 2024
In reply to UKB Shark:

Yes I do a lot of that but it limits you if route is wandery or whatever. 

OP Jamdahll 14 Jul 2024
In reply to trying.soft:

5 Ben Nevis ridges in a day!? 1 does me in haha

 trying.soft 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Jamdahll:

> 5 Ben Nevis ridges in a day!? 1 does me in haha

Well, you know I won't run out of energy easily lol
Might be down south in August. Give you shout if i'm free and partnerless. 

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