Peak District (East) Monday 29th July

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 McHammy 24 Jul 2024

So... As it turns out, I'm staying at Stoney Middleton for a few days and my climbing partners are all busy... Seems a shame to be in the Peak District and not climb.

Anyone fancy a day of climbing on Monday 29th? Generally leading up to VS and happy to 2nd on lower or higher (within reason!) as required. Will have rack and ropes with in case. Will even (heresy!) accept offers of sport if that's what's going, but be nice to sneak a few more trad ticks in before RCI.

Am there from Friday evening so short evening missions might also be doable. Any crag within reasonable driving distance - potentially also pickups.

 tomheath 27 Jul 2024
In reply to McHammy:


Just getting in touch in case you still need a partner for Monday? I’m free all day and would be keen to get out on the grit and get some mileage in. I lead up to E1 and would be very happy to tick off some classic routes around VS.
Im planning to be in Hen Cloud on Sunday so could get to western or eastern edges.



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