Sport Climbing partners, Peak District Area

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 Z.Woodford.1 27 Jun 2024

I am looking for some regular sport climbing partners around the peak district area. 

I am very keen to get out during the summer, and I am quite new to the area. 

I am 29 and currently working on upping my grade. 

I can belay proficiently and safely. 

Still learning a few thing, as many are. 

Always looking to be inspired. 

In reply to Z.Woodford.1:

Hi Zoe

Does it have to be sport climbing? And what sort of grades?

Obviously there's some high quality sport available, but there's a lot of poor quality crumbling quarries on offer too. And perhaps sport isn't what The Peak does best....... discuss!!

I'm off to the Dolomites until mid July, but if you haven't found suitable partners by then, feel free to get in touch & come explore the delights/horrors on offer in the area.


OP Z.Woodford.1 28 Jun 2024
In reply to buxtoncoffeelover:

Hi Nik, 

Unfortunately, I am not a lover of trad. Would prefer sport or bouldering really.

That would be great thank you! Have fun in the Dolomites!


In reply to Z.Woodford.1:

Hi, looking to get out midweek evenings next week. PM me if interested.



 TobyA 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Z.Woodford.1:

Hi. I try to get out twice a week in summer in the Peak and a fair amount of that is sport - often evenings, after work. At my best I struggle up 6b, but 6a and some 6a+s are more like it but I have been climbing safely for 30 years. This does mean I go to the slightly crumbly quarries quite a lot! They're not that awful, but let's say helmets are never a bad idea. I'm in Dronfield so it's very easy for me to get to Stoney Middleton area for sport as well the eastern edges for trad. If that's sounds anything like what you are doing, shoot me a message.

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