Found: Belay Glasses at Stanage

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 matt_chan 26 Jul 2024

I picked up a pair of belay glasses at the base of Cave ArĂȘte (HVS 5a) last night (25th July).

If they're yours let me know the type and I'll try to get them back to you.

 hambleton 28 Jul 2024
In reply to matt_chan:

Matt I was climbing at Stanage on the 25th, we finished on Cave Arete  just before it rained.  I checked my gear down at the car and realised I had left my secs at the crag, walked back up past all the routes we had done but could not find them.  They are old metal framed glasses (no plastic fittings) and the cord is insecurely fastened to one of the armatures (the rubber band has broken).  The make is CU belay glasses by Powern Play De, they are almost antique.  It would be great if I could get them back, I live in York and can pay for postage and any inconvenience.  Thankyou for thoughtfully collecting them and keeping them safe, they do have a certain sentimental value.

Best regards PG Harris

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