Gear left retreating from 'Bent' on Cloywyn Yr Oen, Moelwyns

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 Orlando 14 Jul 2024

Hoping some good hearted climbers will find this gear and post it back to me. All gear is turquoise tuff-tagged with name email and phone.

Bent belay 2:

Grivel small orange screwgate (attached to in situ rope sling)

Bent belay 1:

Beal lime/yellow screwgate and Black Diamond dyneema 120 cm sling white/blue edges

Left during wet retreat on Saturday 13 July

Will BACS the finder for post and packing and pay it forward

Big thanks

Bent (S 4a) Clogwyn yr Oen (Moelwyns)

OP Orlando 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Orlando:

The gear at belay 1 found and being returned by a very kind climber

Just missing Grivel krab at belay 2

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