Lost Car keys Tryfan and Glyder Fach

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 jrobinson 23 Jul 2024

LOST car keys: Ford with 2 mangled lego men attached.

After a big link-up of Milestone Approach and Continuation, Bastow Butress, Overlaping Ridge Route, Little/North Gullies, Grooved Arete p1-3, top half of North Buttres Variant, Bristly Ridge and The Chasm Face. I realised I didn't have my keys anymore

Most likely on end of Milestone, FPR, Tryfan summit where I had a fantastic biscoff KitKat or around either end of Glyder Fach routes.


OP jrobinson 23 Jul 2024
In reply to jrobinson:

They've now been handed into the Warden Centre.

 Welsh Kate 23 Jul 2024
In reply to jrobinson:

Good news - but what's the lego men's backstory? How did they get mangled?!

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