Lost climbing shoes Horseshoe

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 Skodas 26 Jul 2024

I think I have left my Katana climbing shoes at Horseshoe quarry near Pale rider. Please let me know if you find them. I will try and get there this weekend but if you pick them up I can collect if near Sheffield or the Peak. Thanks

 Phil West 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Skodas:

Hi! They’re in good hands. My mate Chris Tan of Chris Tan Death Products fame found them and took them home for safekeeping. Drop him an email via his site and he’ll work out a way to get them back to you. We’re on the other side of the Pennines but climb in the Peak every week.

OP Skodas 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Skodas:

Amazing.  Thank you! Coincidently I was fixing some cams using his instructions last week

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