Lost silver cam at Windgather

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 ATLee 06 Jul 2024

My friend got his silver cam stuck at Windgather last week. It was there a few days ago still. I went today to try and retrieve it for him. If you got it it'd be great to get it back. 

 Andy Johnson 07 Jul 2024

I'm surprised that posts like this often attract down votes, but those about lost keys/glasses/rings/etc don't. Maybe people could be a bit kinder.

I dont know the OP or their friend, but cams are expensive and not everyone can afford to lose one.

 Mark Kemball 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Johnson:

The point is that there is a big difference between lost and stuck, then abandoned.

 Andy Johnson 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Mark Kemball:

> The point is that there is a big difference between lost and stuck, then abandoned.

Perhaps there is for the finder. But both outcomes are unintentional.

 Mark Kemball 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Johnson:

The finder is in fact doing the climbing community a favour by giving up some of their time to remove the litter.

 SimonCRMC 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Johnson:

Thanks for your reminder to us to be kind to others. 

Windgather attracts a lot of relatively inexperienced climbers who will make some mistakes.  As I posted on the other Windgather thread, I was there a few weeks ago and a friend removed two pieces of stuck gear, a wire and a cam.  Both were fairly new, and both had been placed badly.  Their owners (to whom they were returned) had tried and failed to get them out because that too is an acquired skill which they did not yet have.   Each piece took a very experienced climber about ten minutes to release.

We've probably all made similar mistakes and they're not always easy to fix.  Let's help each other.


 ebdon 07 Jul 2024
In reply to SimonCRMC:

Whilst I absolutely agree a little kindness goes a long way, and I have no desire to part people with their gear, we also have a responsibility to leave the crags as we find them. Somthing that often doesn't get mentioned in the L&F threads where gear is effectively abandoned.

 PaulJepson 08 Jul 2024
In reply to ebdon:

That's great and all but once the 'litter' has been removed and the good deed to the crag done, why does it then become MINE MINE MINE, I REMOVED IT IT'S MIIIIIINE. Why can't  the retriever then do another good deed and make an effort to return it? I'm afraid one cannot virtue-signal about cleaning crags up whilst stealing from fellow climbers.

 SimonCRMC 08 Jul 2024
In reply to ebdon:

Fair point, and maybe this needs more education as basic skills for new climbers.  There are lots of videos on how to place gear but I can't think of many on how to get it back out if it's stuck.  If anyone knows some good ones, maybe post some links?

 PaulJepson 08 Jul 2024
In reply to SimonCRMC:

One of the main things I don't like about the 'finders keepers' approach is that it can discourage people from making the right decision. Gear is expensive and sometimes people have to choose between ploughing on into a dangerous situation or abandoning gear.

It's obviously not always the case with left gear but I don't want someone to think twice about retreating off an expensive cam because I'm going to keep it when I come across it. 

 Godwin 08 Jul 2024
In reply to PaulJepson:

> One of the main things I don't like about the 'finders keepers' approach is that it can discourage people from making the right decision. Gear is expensive and sometimes people have to choose between ploughing on into a dangerous situation or abandoning gear.

> It's obviously not always the case with left gear but I don't want someone to think twice about retreating off an expensive cam because I'm going to keep it when I come across it. 

Absolutley, we do not want anyone ploughing on into a dangerous situation at Windgather.


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