Bird ID quiz

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 Bottom Clinger 23 Jan 2024

5 species, have go. It’s a long range phone scoped image. 

 Harry Jarvis 23 Jan 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

The easy one - shelduck

In reply to Harry Jarvis:

Yup. Now for the harder ones…. Much bird ID’ing is about eliminating stuff and hence narrowing stuff down, and there are just about enough clues, with artistic license and a great deal of squinting, to have a go. 

 Lankyman 23 Jan 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Is it a sloping lake, or were you leaning into the wind?

In reply to Lankyman:

Earth curvature. 

 Michael Hood 23 Jan 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Before seeing others response, I'm going for Shelduck, Gadwall, Grey Plover, Dunlin and Bar-tailed Godwit

Edit > this is on my phone, could do with looking at a bigger screen for possibly a better idea <

The only 100% is the Shelduck

Gadwall could be Teal or possibly sleeping Widgeon

Dunlin could be anything

Grey Plover could be hmm

Bar-tailed might of course be Black-tailed

Post edited at 13:46
In reply to Michael Hood:

Dunlin, grey plover = spot on. 


 Michael Hood 23 Jan 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Think I might be missing seeing some leg colour on species no 5.

Either way I suspect it's not the only one out of the 3 that I ever seem to come across.

In reply to Michael Hood:

The mystery pair: clearly waders, longish but fine bill, body size comparable with the plovers, and if you squint hard enough you can just about make out an eye strip kinda thingy = spotted redshank. 

 Michael Hood 23 Jan 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Yeh, with them not being Godwits I knew they'd be Spotted or Greenshanks both of which I am missing seeing recently with something that is starting to approach skillfulness.

The Widgeon are more obvious on a full screen, shouldn't have plumped for Gadwall, was thinking the habitat didn't look quite so right for them but still went for them.

The bill on the Plover is the giveaway and the Dunlin, well one or two have some darkness on the belly but it's more the number of them. Loads of tiny waders just sort of stood there, Dunlin with your eyes closed is quite likely to be right.

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