Comparisons for Electricity providers

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 girlymonkey 23 Jul 2024

How can I get the best comparisons of electricity prices?

I have EVs, heat pump and solar and I find that providers seem to want to sell you something EV specific, for example, which doesn't mention feed in rates. I can't find a list of just columns of peak rate, cheap rate and feed in rates side by side. Does such a comparison exist somewhere?

 Ciro 23 Jul 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

I think it's pretty difficult to do a comparison table as the offers have so many variables to consider, such as whether all electricity use applies at one price or your smart devices get charged differently from the rest of the house.

This seems like a reasonable rundown of the current options to consider:

We currently have solar plus battery and are on Octopus Flux. We are planning a heat pump, and Flux still looks like a decent option with that added but it would be great if we could get on Intelligent Octopus Flux to maximise the battery potential and maximise the efficiency of the heatpump. I have requested an integration for our (Fox Solar) battery through the app, but I have no idea when they plan to start including other makes than the products that they sell.

EV will probably be a fair way down the line for us, hopefully by then everything is better integrated.

OP girlymonkey 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Ciro:

Yes, that is the problem that the focus on one particular thing whereas we don't have any fuel source other than electricity, so I don't really want it to be linked only to one thing (like my car).

Thanks for the link, I will take a look

 Ciro 25 Jul 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

Unfortunately I think that's the nature of the market now - you need to understand the nature of your usage (and how your could adapt your usage to fit with different plans), then do some calculations to work out which tariff is going to be best for you.

On the plus side, if you're prepared to do that analysis you should end up with a much better deal than you would get if they were all the same and could be put in a nice neat table 🙂

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