Funniest film ever

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 biscuit 02 Dec 2009
We're having a party next year at a local theatre that does private screenings - no not that kind of private screening.

I'm wanting suggestions for the film to watch. We've got a few ideas but want to make sure we're not missing an obvious classic.

It's got to be:

a) Funny
b) suitable for a range of people i.e. not Borat etc.

Fire away.
bergalia 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Jacque Tati's 'Hulot's Holiday' - but for god sake NOT the US version with added 'dialogue'.
 Tom Valentine 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

The Producers- original version, of course.
Wrongfoot 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

I think a classic chaplin or laurel and hardy will get guaranteed belly laughs from all and not offend anyone. I've laughed more at those than many sophisticated witty films or coarse American Pie type films too..
Cerulean 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Blazing Saddles
OP biscuit 02 Dec 2009
In reply to bergalia:
> (In reply to biscuit)
> Jacque Tati's 'Hulot's Holiday' - but for god sake NOT the US version with added 'dialogue'.

not one i'm familiar with. Need to research that one i think !
OP biscuit 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Cerulean:

that's on the list. Absolute classic.
 BALD EAGLE 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

The Jerk!
OP biscuit 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Wrongfoot:

Along the same innocent fun lines are the Morecambe and Wise films. Absolute class - my wife is buying them for me for Xmas.
OP biscuit 02 Dec 2009
In reply to BALD EAGLE:

Good one thanks
bergalia 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
> (In reply to bergalia)
> [...]
> not one i'm familiar with. Need to research that one i think !

Well worthwhile...B/W - probably you'll have to get it (rent it) on DVD
 Axel Smeets 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Mike Basset: England Manager

 teflonpete 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Depends whether you're looking for classic or modern.

As a classic "The Plank" with Ronnie Barker and Eric Sykes takes some beating.
 antoniusblock 02 Dec 2009
The Ladykillers - the 1956 version with Alec Guinness, Peter Sellers and Herbert Lom.
Bahhhhumbug 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

'Life of Brian' of course, although everyone's seen that a hundred times already I Guess.
In reply to bergalia:
> (In reply to biscuit)
> Jacque Tati's 'Hulot's Holiday' - but for god sake NOT the US version with added 'dialogue'.

Not sure I'd say Monsieur Hulot's Holiday is the funniest film of all time, but it's fascinating to see just what a huge influence he had on later comedians, e.g. John Cleese and Rowan Atkinson.

I agree with the poster above that the funniest thing, ever, on the big screen is The Producers. I nearly died laughing.

Recently, I really loved Borat.

Removed User 02 Dec 2009
In reply to antoniusblock:

Galaxy Quest.

Brilliant and a surprising number of people havent seen it.

Blackadder 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: Real Genius, Weekend at Bernie's, Gunmen, Why Me?
 Dom Whillans 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

sir henry at rawlinson end. cracking film, bit leftfield though maybe?
 sam83 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: Little Miss Sunshine made me laugh more than any other film i think.
 graeme jackson 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
Oh brother where art thou.
Chicken run
father of the bride (either version is ok but I'd go with spencer tracey)
 toad 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Dom Whillans: Scrotuuuum! Not sure funniest ever, but wonderfully wierd and quintessentially English.

Bergalia - I had no idea there was an American version of Les Vacances de M. Hulot <shudders> but otherwise, that would be a fantastic film for this sort of event
 no feet 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

 wilkie14c 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
Rita sue Bob too
Withnail and I
Flushed away <V-Funny>
Simpsons movie
Abbot & Costello / Norman Wisdom / Laurel and Hardy...
 antoniusblock 02 Dec 2009
not quite sure if this fits your criteria, but Dr Strangelove?
 PeterM 02 Dec 2009

The Big Lebowski
 The Lemming 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Stir crazy

Young Frankenstien

Dumb and Dumber


Paint your wagon

carry on films. take your pick

Just found this site which may have a few you like
Chariots 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

The Money Pit.

Likely that not many will have seen it and makes The Producers look like Schindler's List in comparison.
 teflonpete 02 Dec 2009
In reply to PeterM:
> Dogma
> The Big Lebowski

Dogma, brilliant! Not sure if Jay and Chris Rock's language might be a bit strong for a mixed audience though.....
 iain_cbr 02 Dec 2009
In reply to sam83: I saw little miss sunshine on th eplane coming back off our hols. I was doing the very embarassing big lughs, but couldn't help it!

Top film!

Also "Elf". Just for the bit where he gets run over. I actually cried laughing!
 teflonpete 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Chariots:
> (In reply to biscuit)
> The Money Pit.
Another truly excellent comedy.
 jazzyjackson 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

caddyshack, followed closely by Stir Crazy and Hear no Evil See no Evil,
and blazzing Saddles
 teflonpete 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

I liked 'Taladega nights' too, but again, not too sure about showing it to a mixed audience.
 Al Evans 02 Dec 2009
In reply to jazzyjackson: The Blues Brothers, has the advantage of some brilliant music too.
 PeterM 02 Dec 2009

Animal House...obviously.....
 brieflyback 02 Dec 2009
In reply to PeterM:
> Animal House...obviously.....

Beat me to it.

Then Airplane, then Blazing Saddles, then Dumb and Dumber...

Humour is a subjective thing!
 PeterM 02 Dec 2009

Removed User 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

i'm not a big steve martin fan but 'planes, trains and automobiles' is one of the few really funny films that i know. It makes me smile just thinking about it.
 dek 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
'Some like it hot' Timeless comedy. Fish called Wanda, and the Man with two Brains
 brieflyback 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Removed Userkieran b:
> (In reply to Removed Userbiscuit)
> i'm not a big steve martin fan but 'planes, trains and automobiles' is one of the few really funny films that i know. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

"Those aren't pillows..."
 Blue Straggler 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Some good suggestions already (and some poorly thought-out ones of course!)

I'll add:
Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie as it is really the funniest film I've ever seen, and coincidentally quite accessible, though I have no idea what its availability is;

and for broad comedy, one that is much better than the Airplane! films, is "Top Secret" from the same team but spoofing spy/war movies instead of disaster movies.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is also great but it's violent, a bit sweary and perhaps assumes a little bit of film geekery on the part of the viewer.
Gone for good 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
How about 'theres someting about Mary'? My daughter used to rave about this film and I didnt see it up until about 6 months ago - hilarious.
Followed by trading places - Eddie Murphys best film by far.
kluz 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
Blazing saddles...Obviously
Trains, Plains...their not pillows, oh how I laughed...
Dead men don't wear Plaid
johnSD 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Maybe not the funniest ever, but a few that spring to mind that are pretty consistently laugh-a-minute are

Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Dumb and Dumber

maybe Bowfinger...
 liz j 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
johnSD 02 Dec 2009
In reply to johnSD:

And how could I forget Dodgeball...
 PeterM 02 Dec 2009

 PeterM 02 Dec 2009

LA Story
 Phil1919 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: Blazing Saddles when it first came out in front of a big audience.
 vincentvega 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Anchorman!!! A modern classic!!
 PeterM 02 Dec 2009
In reply to vincentvega:
> (In reply to biscuit)
> Anchorman!!! A modern classic!!

Steve Carrell stole that one. Will Farrell is quite poor inn most of his movies (maybe not Elf), but I had to smile, but wasn't surprised, when that survey came in listing him as the most overpaid filmstar

 Blue Straggler 02 Dec 2009
In reply to PeterM:
> (In reply to vincentvega)
> [...]
> Steve Carrell stole that one.

"Hey! I'm riding a furry tractor!"
 Keeg 02 Dec 2009
In reply to iain_cbr:

> Also "Elf". Just for the bit where he gets run over. I actually cried laughing!

That is possibly the greatest moment in cinema history, I love that film. Also watched little miss sunshine which I thought was a good film until the final dance when it became an all time classic, genius.
 220bpm 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Anything by the3 Marx Brothers

Or my faves, the Python films.
 Joking 02 Dec 2009
In reply to vincentvega:
> (In reply to biscuit)
> Anchorman!!! A modern classic!!

Thank god... thought I was gonna have to put that up myself 55 posts in, outrageous!!
Removed User 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Martin76:
> (In reply to kieran b)
> [...]
> "Those aren't pillows..."

That is indeed a guffawing moment

OP biscuit 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Hulots holiday is going to have to be researched i think.

The plank is an excellent suggestion as is anything with Gene Wilder/Richard Prior, Steve Martin etc.

The Lady killers could be a corker.

Blazing saddles is out due to my brother in law who will give a running commentary all the way through and probably try to rewind it to watch bits again :0)

Wife not keen on airplane/top secret type stuff - no sense of humour i'm afraid :0(

The money pit could be a contender and one that we hadn't thought of.

What about Cannon Ball run or Smokey & the Bandit ?

Anyone seen the Morecambe & Wise films ? My wife and i thought they were hilarious but others may not.
 Joking 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Keeg:
> (In reply to iain_cbr)
> [...]
> That is possibly the greatest moment in cinema history, I love that film. Also watched little miss sunshine which I thought was a good film until the final dance when it became an all time classic, genius.

Great News... I saw a dog today!
 Patrik 02 Dec 2009
> Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie as it is really the funniest film I've ever seen, and coincidentally quite accessible, though I have no idea what its availability is;
You can get them from as region 1 (or whatever is the North America).
 The New NickB 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Chariots:
> (In reply to biscuit)
> The Money Pit.
> Likely that not many will have seen it and makes The Producers look like Schindler's List in comparison.

The 80s thing with Tom Hanks and Shelly Long, pretty poor film really.

 Bulls Crack 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

That they haven't seen before?

If not - Life of Brian
 johnjohn 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: Raizin' Arizona - early Cohen brothers, fast paced slapstick/screwball/visual humour and not dark unlike some of their films (which I love, but hey).
 Martin W 02 Dec 2009
In reply to dek: Another vote for "Some Like It Hot". One of the best film comedies of all time.

Unlike "There's Something About Mary" which I succeeded in being as gross as it was undoutedly trying to be without being anything like as funny as it thought it was. And I never have understood the point of Lee Evans. (Who in there right minds would want him instead of Marilyn?)
 Frank4short 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: Superbad is my current favorite.
 Tom Valentine 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Chariots:

Haven't seen it but I need to know which version of "The Producers" you are talking about.
Version 2 is a complete travesty - a musical as opposed to a comedy which integrates music into the plot completely naturally.
Which is what the original does.
 lynx3555 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: "one day removals" watched it last week and thought it was excellent....
 dan wisey 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: how about "withnail and i" with richard e. grant and paul mcgan, very very funny
 Dominion 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Of the Monty Python type films, but not actual MP films, and probably new to some people:

Time Bandits

and others (more likely to have been seen):

The Fifth Element
Back To The Future
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - possibly for those that like the tv series, but have never seen the original film

Austin Powers (first two)

kluz 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: Another two:
Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers...
 vincentvega 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Police academy 3.

(il get my coat)

 Chris.Allott 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
"It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" is hard to beat for family viewing and some hearty chuckles...
 Adam T 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit: Dumb & Dumber
 jazzyjackson 02 Dec 2009
In reply to Adam T:
> (In reply to biscuit) Dumb & Dumber

Surely nothing with JC can be a contender for all time funniest?
That guy su su sucks
Removed User 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Am a big Tati fan (M. Hulot films)

Not mentioned yet are:

Duck Soup
Le diner de cons
Les visiteurs
That sinking feeling (early Bill Forsyth)
 Atticus Finch 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
Vertical limit... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ice.solo 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

raising arizona
 AndyM-LVB 02 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:

Ghostbusters. Classic and hilarious.
 Petarghh 02 Dec 2009
In reply to AndyM-LVB: Home Alone 1 + 2 if you dont laugh, you have no soul !
 The Ivanator 03 Dec 2009
In reply to biscuit:
You'll have some serious filtering to do after the eclectic mix of suggestions you've had. They range from the legendarily awful to comedy classics throw another into the mix, how about:
Tony Hancock's "The Rebel" ...pure genius.
 Blue Straggler 03 Dec 2009
In reply to Dominion:
> Time Bandits
> Jabberwocky
> The Fifth Element
> Willow
> Back To The Future

Do you seriously think that any of these films (all good films, I think!) are contenders for "funniest film ever", or have you just fallen into that UKC thread trap of "just listing some comedic films that I have enjoyed"?

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