Hair on my lens

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 Bottom Clinger 03 Jul 2024

From this mornings dog walk, amazing. 

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

I’ve named the hare Charlie….

 Michael Hood 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Why hasn't it run off yet, you're walking around with a dog FFS. Doesn't it know how hares are supposed to behave 😁

 McHeath 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

It is amazing, which breed of dog is that?

 Lankyman 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

I often see hares on my local walk through the fields. It's always a good day when they show up. One time, I was leaning on a gate watching a couple who just kept hopping towards me and then squeezed under the gate and into the next field. I froze and didn't dare move to try and focus my camera.

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

> I’ve named the hare Charlie….

Charlie coz it’s got a straw up its nose

In reply to Bottom Clinger:

A Jack hare lives at RSPB Vane Farm and usually is within the deer fenced wetland enclosure! Often seen by visitors.

Nice to see hares and seem to be increasing in numbers up here.

 Martin W 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Here is one I encountered back in May this year: (apologies for the rather corny canned music - remember, there is a mute button!)

Good job the road was quiet.  I was driving really slowly and was worried that some boy racer would turn up behind me and get sufficiently aggravated that I was driving so slowly for no obvious (to them) reason to do something silly.  Equally, if a driver coming the other way didn't see it then it could have ended up getting squashed.  Fortunately neither of those things happened, but it did seem to take a awfully long time for it to find a gate leading into a field that it liked the look of.

 The Lemming 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

Try using a blower brush to remove the hair.

And if that does not work, buy a new lens just to be sure.

In reply to The Lemming:

> Try using a blower brush to remove the hair.

> And if that does not work, buy a new lens just to be sure.

Good advice. And the new lens im planning on buying won’t fit my Nikon, so will have to buy a new camera.  Meanwhile, meet Hartley Hares cousin !  
And I’ve discovered another barn owl nest site, first year it’s been used, photo to follow, just to wet your taste buds

Post edited at 14:05

 Michael Hood 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Martin W:

Difficult to tell from your video (so that's what dash cams are for) how fast the hare and you were going but after a while I did wonder whether the hare would have turned off earlier if you had stopped. 

Because however careful you were obviously being with your driving, it looked like a possibility that the hare felt it was being chased.

Since you were there, you'll be able to judge whether that was likely (I'm just throwing it up as a possibility).

 The Lemming 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

I shall be calling on you soon 😁😁

 Mount Elly 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Bottom Clinger:

He looks like a david

 Billhook 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

Thats happened to me a couple of times.  I can never figure out why the hare ignored me or somehow failed to notice me.  Lovely experience though.

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