Nuclear AMRC layoffs

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 Offwidth 12 Jul 2024

A real shame to hear about these significant redundancies in an organisation I would have thought had strategic UK importance. As ever it's hard to take press reports at face value... anyone here have any other information?

Sheffield Uni seems to be unfortunate in what looks like 'foot shooting' in the last few years,  when not so long back it had some of the best Engineering links anywhere. Here is a sad story of the AMRC partner organisation:

Post edited at 06:46
 NathanP 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

That's terrible news about Nuclear AMRC, assuming the report is accurate. After all the work to develop a UK SMR solution and improve the nuclear supply chain, it would be a great shame not to fully exploit that investment. 

The main AMRC has simply outgrown Sheffield University and needs a new structure. 

 Ridge 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

The Sheffield Tribune link you posted seems a well balanced article. Looks like there may will have been an issue with match funding, and it does look like the AMRC needs a different structure to capitalise on its success.

A bit off topic, but I loved the first comment under the article:

> In the UK, education is an inferior clone of what happens at Eton and Oxbridge. There are the other elite private schools, also feeding Oxbridge; then there are lesser public schools and top grammar schools feeding the 'Russel Group' universities like Sheffield; then there are the new 'academies' and other top schools feeding the newer universities and former polytechnics like Hallam university; but then we stop calling it 'education' altogether and nurses, teachers, plumbers, care workers and so on are merely 'trained' - but they are the very sorts of people we discovered the value of during the pandemic.

> But what if it is actually the nurses, teachers, plumbers and care workers who are 'educated' and actually the scholars of Eton who are the ones who are 'trained'? The problem is they are trained to rule, and we let them rule us.

 spenser 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

One of the inclusion networks at work arranged a tour of NAMRC last year, they had some incredibly impressive kit there and were doing some great work, it would be to the UK's detriment if we were to lose the capability represented by it.

If they go under now it will be a kick in the teeth as there should be quite a bit of work for a NAMRC like organisation once the GB Nuclear tender process is completed by the end of the year (regardless of which of the 5 remaining vendors are selected as a result of the GB Nuclear selection process):

In reply to spenser:

I thought a big chunk of R-R’s SMR prototyping rigs were either on their way over, or about to be developed at the AMRC? 
I hosted the fledgling SMR team years ago when the the idea was first being developed. They wanted a base off the Raynesway site where they could be less ‘corporate’ and mix with engineering academics on a daily basis. 

Although R-R are the home team, I don’t feel it’s a done deal wrt tenders, even though their press releases often read like it’s been awarded. Westinghouse and Hitachi/GE have put out a really credible set of tenders.

 spenser 12 Jul 2024
In reply to paul_in_cumbria:

You were probably thinking of this?

From my understanding AMRC and NAMRC are different entities (albeit very close to each other and almost identically named).

RR SMR wound up with an office on Pride Park (I think it used to be where the RR accountants were based as an ex girlfriend used to work there before I moved into nuclear), along with Warrington Birchwood Park and in central Manchester (which frankly is the nicest office I have ever visited). 

You can probably guess where I stand on who I want to get an order and why I am slightly cautious with what I say! I haven't looked at the other designs recently but I am aware that various SMR designs have significantly different power outputs which would make them suitable for different roles.

 neilh 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

From memory of the so called Caterpillars, was not the original nuclear one either in Derby or the north east.  From what I reach Sheffield Amrc was set up for aerospace. It now includes composites which are also covered  elsewhere in Manchester and the Bristol area.  

OP Offwidth 12 Jul 2024
In reply to neilh:

Two organisations owned by Sheffield Uni. The linked article in the OP is clear some staff will move from Nuclear AMRC to AMRC and so will not be made redundant.

In reply to Offwidth:

> Two organisations owned by Sheffield Uni. The linked article in the OP is clear some staff will move from Nuclear AMRC to AMRC and so will not be made redundant.

I just spoke to a couple of people who are in the Advanced Manufacturing Group and will be transferring back from NAMRC

In reply to spenser:

Yes, I visited the Pride Park Office a number of times

 neilh 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

Considering Sheffield Forgemasters regeneration and investment from the old gov,you would think there might be a  more solid future  for a  nuclear armc continuation.

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