OS maps API/Premium data plan

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 ablackett 03 Jul 2024

I might draw a blank here, but the depth of knowledge on these forums never ceases to amaze me.

Im trying to create some maps for navigation/orienteering events based on OS 1:25k maps, basically I want them to be the same but slightly simplified. Removing some icons, place names, that sort of thing. Once I have the map I can use PurplePen and Inkscape to make it look like a proper orienteering map but I can’t get the data.

I’ve spoken to the OS they say I need a publishing licence - no problem, and either to use their premium data plan or use one of their business partners. 

The premium data plan seems throughly and absolutely impenetrable to a non-professional, it’s all API’s and dynamic web environments and such like, frankly I’m totally lost. The business partners all seem geared up to make maps for folk wanting planning permission or to lay data cables and I can’t find one which looks remotely geared up to help me.

Now. I could use my OS maps subscription, print a section of map and stick a few pink circles on it and a licence number and call it done, but I want to make something which looks professional and ‘clean’ and I can’t get over the first hurdle of getting the data.

Any help anyone can give would be much appreciated.

 Mini Mansell 03 Jul 2024
In reply to ablackett:

search for aqua4 mapping in the Peak District.

i am sure they will be able to help

OP ablackett 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Mini Mansell:

Thanks, it doesn’t look to be their main business offering but I’ve sent them a message in the hope they can point me in the right direction.

Also hello, we frequented quite a few juggling conventions back in the early 2000’s. I was a Durham uni student who did a lot of diabolo and bits of everything else. 


 jamie84 03 Jul 2024
In reply to ablackett:

The free OS terrain data (OS Open data) can be used to create contour maps which you can overlay with some other free OS data such as the river and roads networks depending on what detail you need. 

Maybe not the most straightforward way to do things but the data's easy enough to get hold of.

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