Village cricket

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 minimike 13 Jul 2024

Can you just show up and watch village cricket? My boys want to see a game and there’s a ground not far away. No mention of spectating or tickets on their website, there are a few holes in the hedge and tree trunks to sit on around the boundary. Can we just show up with our picnic and watch?? Don’t want to offend.. wouldn’t be, um.. the done thing, old chap.

In reply to minimike:

Yep, just turn up and enjoy. 

OP minimike 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Christheclimber:

Brilliant! Thanks. Saves spending £50 on one day tickets for them to just be bored and want to go swimming after half an hour..

 Rory Shaw 13 Jul 2024
In reply to minimike:

Just show up. I'm sure they will be grateful for the support. Bear in mind that these clubs are often run on a shoe string so consider buying a drink from their club house if they have one.

 TMM 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Rory Shaw:

> Just show up. I'm sure they will be grateful for the support. Bear in mind that these clubs are often run on a shoe string so consider buying a drink from their club house if they have one.

Cheapest pint in our village ensures lots of support!

 philipivan 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TMM:

Ours has a beer fest every year, also pies and sausage rolls every weekend and loads of sweets and ice cream for sale for the kids, also it's on the village green so anyone can go in. 

 Wainers44 13 Jul 2024
In reply to minimike:

If they are interested in a particular club but don't play yet, speak to them about their youth/colts set up while you are there. Some clubs are amazing (mine at that age, Thorverton Colts,  great entry into the game). 

 Bulls Crack 13 Jul 2024
In reply to minimike:

Watch out for short boundaries and 6's!  We had some threatened litigation a few years ago after a child got hit and the parents accused the club of negligence  

 Seymore Butt 14 Jul 2024
In reply to minimike:

I'm sure your local village club will welcome your family It's free to watch most games at ours,  sometimes a £1 to watch a cup match.

Our club is always advertising for new members especially kids who want to take up the sport. We have a dedicated membership who provide food and drinks during match days and a bar that gives a 10% discount on drinks for members.

£15 per year membership.


 DizzyT 14 Jul 2024
In reply to minimike:

Spent a glorious day at the cricket last weekend. Town club, great turnout, very sociable, clubhouse had quite excellent food throughout the day that was practically given away and tip top beer at £3.50. A decent game, very close and won in the last ball of the second last over. Didn’t get home until 1am. 

Support your local club!

OP minimike 14 Jul 2024
In reply to DizzyT:

Sounds great, but the beer and 1am finish might be a bit much for my 9yo..

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