New: Potential Access Threat, Navigation Quarry

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 BMC Cymru 29 May 2024

The BMC has recently been made aware of a potential land use change to Navigation Quarry, a sandstone crag near Abercynon, north of Cardiff. This site has been popular since the 1980’s as one of the best climbing sites in the area with a good mix of trad and sport routes that often dry quickly in sunny weather.

If you'll have spent a sunny afternoon here, you'll know just how special this common and the crag that sits on it is, despite its post-industrial history.

This year in trying to confirm the restrictions, one of the site managers mentioned that the owners may be considering substituting (making a change in use) the land where the climbing takes place. A shooting range was suggested, with the possibility that this would remove access to Navigation Quarry for climbers.

This isn't a simple process for the landowner to undertake, and they may not press on - but we wanted to make climbers aware of the potential threat to access so that if they do, we are able to mobilise the community in order to properly and effectively oppose this enclosure. We are taking advice from the great and experienced (particularly when it comes to common land) campaigners at the Open Spaces Society, so thanks to them. If you haven't checked their work out I'd highly recommend it.

Thanks for your support for our ongoing work - we have had a tremendous amount of reports to us of nesting birds this year from all over England and Wales, it's been really amazing to see climbers doing their part and pulling together. It makes a huge difference.

-Eben and Tom, Wales Access Team

Credit to Al Rosier for the photo, taken from the South Wales Climbing Wiki!

Read more here:

 Pu11y 29 May 2024
In reply to BMC Cymru:

A great crag. Would be a shame to lose it. 

 Adbones 30 May 2024
In reply to Pu11y:

Yikes, this would be a kick in the proverbials.

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