Real Survival Stories*** WELL PAID

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Rebecca Hornby 20 Feb 2020
premier post photo

Currently searching for real people who have experienced real life threatening scenarios for a major ad campaign. This would be a well paid opportunity for the right person and they would be part of a truly inspirational project that celebrates emergency services, search and rescue and coast guard services.

Please get in contact by emailing Rebecca at [email protected] as we would love to hear from you.

Thank you! Please share x 

 trouserburp 22 Feb 2020

Donate it to mrt perhaps?

 d_b 24 Feb 2020
In reply to Rebecca Hornby:

I survived a 2am haggis, chips and salad from Ben Fong in Fort Bill once. Got away completely unscathed. No idea how.

 Ollie Keynes 25 Feb 2020
In reply to Rebecca Hornby:

Bear Grylls is your man, he's all about real life survival

 muppetfilter 25 Feb 2020
In reply to Rebecca Hornby:

Must be a professional and Legit , shes got a Gmail address

 simondgee 25 Feb 2020
In reply to muppetfilter:

> Must be a professional and Legit , shes got a Gmail address


Easier to tap away than a quick check...

 muppetfilter 25 Feb 2020
In reply to simondgee:

I obviously lack your refined stalking skills ...

 PaulJepson 26 Feb 2020
In reply to Rebecca Hornby:

One time I had been climbing at Saddle Head all day and got to the pub 2 minutes before the kitchen closed. They said at the bar that they'd stopped serving food but managed to twist the chef's arm into sorting us out some mac n cheese. 

Real close call that one. Still get cold sweats thinking about it. 

 FactorXXX 26 Feb 2020
In reply to Rebecca Hornby:

Dear me!
Twenty Dislikes and probably more to come for a genuine request.
What must people outside of our 'elitist bubble' think of the climbing community?
Probably think we're a right bunch of miserable so and so's, and guess what, they're probably right... 

 McHeath 26 Feb 2020
In reply to Rebecca Hornby:

Not interested in this one, but could you maybe consider me for your next Aldi ketchup ad please? I'd be excited to take part in a truly inspirational project celebrating the work of selflessly dedicated tomato pickers worldwide.

PS I hope you wouldn't be so heartless as to gather our stories, distil the most suitable elements out of them, and then cast one of your actors to tell the scripted story in the ad. But I'm sure the advertising industry doesn't work like that. 

Post edited at 19:45

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