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 BruceMD 26 Jul 2024

First bolt on Coral Seas (6a), Papacy Buttress, Harpur Hill Quarry unscrewed itself and popped off whilst top roping. Could have been worse but fortunately wasn't. Looks like the bolt was put in too shallow so the nut does not fully screw in.

I popped it back and fastened it as best I could without any tools. Not sure who I can inform to try to make the bolt a bit safer (I'm not from this country, not sure who'd be best or how to go about it). 

 Gary Gibson 29 Jul 2024
In reply to BruceMD:replace it then and as I I have done it enough times and the route is ruined due to the top50 status in the guide and people haven’t got any idea to do something else; there are much better routes on perched block buttress like running for cover and I love how people post on here and expect someone to sort it out or donate to  y bolt fund via


 Gary Gibson 29 Jul 2024
In reply to BruceMD: who do you expect to replace it? this route has been ruined by tge Rockfax top 50 status and there are better routes on perched block buttress like running for cover or donate to my bolt fund via my website as I pay for all the rebolting anyway or sit closer to the rock as the same has happened to prophecy which I will replace this next few days

 Gary Gibson 29 Jul 2024
In reply to BruceMD: who do you expect to replace it? Sitting too far back creates too much tension on the bolt and the route is ruined by its top50 status contribute to my bolt fund on or try perched block buttress as it isn’t as trashed and way better 

 Bulls Crack 29 Jul 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:

The OP,  who as he points out is not from the UK,  fixed it back on as best as he could and let people know about it - good for him and hardly deserving of the moan? 

 Gary Gibson 02 Aug 2024
In reply to BruceMD:Rebolted

 Gary Gibson 12 Aug 2024
In reply to BruceMD:completely rebolted 

 neilh 12 Aug 2024
In reply to Bulls Crack:

Gary deserves respect .

 DaveHK 12 Aug 2024
In reply to neilh:

> Gary deserves respect .

For his climbing activities, yes. But that doesn't mean he gets a free pass to make snarky comments to someone genuinely trying to do the right thing.

 neilh 12 Aug 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

Not really. Considering he is the custodian of HH and actively (at mostly  his own cost )maintaining the bolts and routes there. 

His health issues are also owell known.

As are his views on the polished destruction of Coral Sea. 

 DaveHK 12 Aug 2024
In reply to neilh:

> His health issues are also owell known.

> As are his views on the polished destruction of Coral Sea. 

I have no idea about either of those things and I bet the OP doesn't either.

Anyway, background info like that perhaps explains snarky comments, it doesn't make them right.

Post edited at 09:44
 stani 12 Aug 2024
In reply to neilh:

Not with replies like that he dosnt....


 spidermonkey09 12 Aug 2024
In reply to neilh:

He doesn't when hes mouthing off online to someone doing the right thing. Even a cursory reading of the original message would show him that the OP isn't from the UK and is presumably either on holiday or unfamiliar with what to do. He should wind his neck in. 

Bruce, thanks for posting. I'll let the Peak Bolt Fund know. In the meantime it would be worth adding a note to the ukc log of the route so people are aware. Cheers.

Post edited at 11:23
 neilh 12 Aug 2024
In reply to spidermonkey09:

Just donate to Gary’s bolt fund so that he can voluntarily maintain those bolts for which is is well recognised as doing. 

 Gary Gibson 12 Aug 2024
In reply to stani:I work hard at maintaining the crag as best I can and intend to be overly critical and don’t intend it to be disrespectful and pay for the work I do out of my own money and donations  

 stani 12 Aug 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:

No doubt about that at all Gary, keep up the great work that you do.!!

All the best. 

 Gary Gibson 13 Aug 2024
In reply to stani: thanks and I will do when the temperature cools down 

 Bulls Crack 13 Aug 2024
In reply to neilh:

Having done the route this year and back in 2010 I didn't notice a huge amount of change tbh. A polished foothold lower down and the inherently fragile roof hold had changed a bit - but that's  Peak quarries for you! 

 Gary Gibson 14 Aug 2024
In reply to Bulls Crack:fully understand 

 Gary Gibson 14 Aug 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:donations possible via

 Gary Gibson 14 Aug 2024
In reply to Gary

 Gary Gibson 14 Aug 2024
In reply to DaveHK: I have apologised 

 DaveHK 14 Aug 2024
In reply to Gary Gibson:

> I have apologised 

Can't ask for more. I've had to apologise for plenty of stuff I've said on here!

 Gary Gibson 14 Aug 2024
In reply to DaveHK:but I work very hard at maintaining this quarry out of my own money 


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