Carn Goraig and Jetty Buttress

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 Andy Moles 13 Jul 2024

I just got an email update as moderator of  Jetty Buttress that there were unchecked updates.

Turns out the update is a new route I did myself a couple of years ago, but it's on Carn Goraig. For some reason, that whole crag has been merged with Jetty Buttress (the first two routes listed at JB, Highland Cragsman etc, also belong at Carn Goraig).

What on earth is going on there?

They are very definitely not the same crag, being several miles apart!

OP Andy Moles 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Moles:

Also on  Mingulay, which I moderate, there is a weird entry by Rockfax right at the top, 'Last Call/Sirens 115m', ungraded. Is this part of some kind of update?

 Nathan Adam 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Moles:

Last Call/Sirens is in the new wired guide as a combination, so maybe been put in as that on the crag page to cover the update? 

I thought Last Call was just a direct start to Sirens or a way of avoiding the hard pitch on Perfectly Normal Paranoia to give an E4,6a link up (recorded on here simply as Paranoia which makes more sense). Sirens was good but I’m not sure it was much harder than E2 the way we went, not sure how it was given E4. 

OP Andy Moles 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Nathan Adam:

To correct what I put above, Last Call/Sirens only appears ungraded on the moderation page, the grade does appear on the public crag page.

In reply to Andy Moles:

Hi Andy

We have been doing some deep-level moderating on this to try and add the Wired guide routes to Rockfax Digital. This has been extremely taxing due to discrepancies, alternative names and duplicated entries in UKC Logbooks (and TBH the SMC print guidebooks). 

Stick with us and let us know if you spot any more. I can sort this one out but it would be helpful if you could add Carn Goraig again with accurate locations for any buttresses. Email me once you have done this.

I have also sorted your other question where Last Call/Sirens (a new combination route) existed only in the Wired guide.


OP Andy Moles 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Alan James - Rockfax:

Will do when I'm next at a computer.

OP Andy Moles 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Alan James - Rockfax:

Alan, I've re-added Carn Goraig

OP Andy Moles 09 Aug 2024
In reply to Alan James - Rockfax:

Alan, the route The Highland Cragsman/Call of the Muwazzin (E3) is still appearing on Jetty Buttress.

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