Error At Ravensdale

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 conronoy 13 May 2024

I went up to Ravensdale at the weekend, the Rockfax App states no climbing on Ravens Buttress between 15 March and 30 June (nesting peregrines). The whole crag is currently banned which caused some confusion as there was, at the time, no signs at the crag telling us this update. 

Is there anyway to get either a) up-to-date access issues, b) a snippet of the BMC RAD info that is up-to-date or c) only include access info that doesn't change on a yearly basis.

Might help others not make this mistake when using the Rockfax App as gospel!


 Andy Hardy 13 May 2024
In reply to conronoy:

RAD link:

"2024 - IMPORTANT NEW UPDATE: The whole crag restriction is back in force (5pm 9th May). After lifting the restriction yesterday, the Peregrines were unfortunately observed to be significantly disturbed by the presence of climbers even well away from the restricted area. Thus Natural England have changed the signs on site and the whole crag is likely to remain restricted for the rest of the breeding season. "

I guess Natural England haven't got round to putting up the signs yet

OP conronoy 13 May 2024
In reply to Andy Hardy:

Yeah, I couldn't check RAD at the crag due to there being no signal. So I was using the information on the Rockfax App which says otherwise!

Hoping to get it updated on the Rockfax App so others don't make the same mistake

 Kim 13 May 2024
In reply to conronoy:

Natural England did put a sign up on Thursday evening with the updated restriction but unfortunately it was removed (involving forcing open a sign holder, so seemingly deliberate vandalism) between then and the weekend. 

As far as I know the Rockfax app doesn't pull through current RAD info like the UKC crag pages do, so access info just like a paper guide is usual case scenario and checking the RAD is the only way to get up to date info (though of course ideally there would be signs on site too). I think if you have the RAD app (rather than website) it works without signal (assuming you have accessed it relatively recently and it's synced). Lots of bird restrictions change year to year and even day to day as in this case unfortunately. 

Kim (Peak Area access vol)

OP conronoy 13 May 2024
In reply to Kim:

Who in their right mind vandalises a sign like that? It was Sunday morning when I was there and there was no sign so must of happened Friday or Saturday?

Anyway, would be awesome if someday Rockfax included snippets from the RAD App the same as UKC. But until then I'll download the RAD App. 


In reply to conronoy:

Not Ravensdale. Sign removal isn’t new, they have regularly gone missing in the Lakes for many years.

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