Graph Request: Max grade bell curve

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 acrkirby 29 May 2024

As is probably the case for many of us, i spend far to much time at work bored and scrolling ukc. The logbook for all users is pretty interesting and while this shows the most popular grades climbed by users this is mostly just the average where one persons warmup meets another's max grade. I'd be very interested in a bell curve of the max grade climbed by climbers, split by ascent style, so onsight, redpoint, sent x all get a different graph. 

What other graphs would people be interested in? I also think a top 25 DNF routes should be added to the 'All Users' logbook...

 BStar 29 May 2024
In reply to acrkirby:

I'd be interested in sorting out the bar graphs, for personal stats in 'ascents by'.   

For all ascents by (other than grade for some reason), the scales are always the sum of the total data rather than the max for each data plot; meaning if you do ascents by year, and you have been climbing an average of 100 routes a year for 30 years, the bar is way over to the left and any fluctuations are hard to see, as the plot will be roughly 100/3000.  

Badly explained, but I think it just about makes sense. 

OP acrkirby 30 May 2024
In reply to BStar:

Thats also a good one.

Also for these bar graphs, i'd love to be able to filter them to only be 'clean' ascents, eg no dogs/top ropes/dnf. Otherwise it kinda skews your max grade for a year because you had a few punts on an e7 on top rope

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