Happy 100th birthday

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 ams 03 Jul 2024


 Darron 03 Jul 2024
In reply to ams:

I’m assuming this is Gwen Moffat? If so formidable indeed.

 Myfyr Tomos 03 Jul 2024
In reply to ams:

If you believe Wikipedia, indeed it is. Penblwydd hapus Gwen.

 Clwyd Chris 03 Jul 2024
In reply to ams:

When it was my hundredth birthday I got a telegram off Her Majesty, apparently this no longer happens, in fact you're more likely to receive a text off Prince Andrew when you're 14 

 McHeath 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Clwyd Chris:

> When it was my hundredth birthday I got a telegram off Her Majesty, apparently this no longer happens

Maybe because she´s dead?

 deepsoup 03 Jul 2024
In reply to thread:

The link in the OP is mangled.  Maybe try this one:

I read Space Below My Feet what feels like a lifetime ago now and I remember it striking a chord so clearly at a time in my life when I probably needed that. I've been giving friends copies of the book ever since (whether they wanted it or not), as well as enjoying some of her lesser known ones (not sure why they're not in print). Icon indeed.

​Though I also notice that her description of how she enjoyed the outdoors at 90 is similar to mine at 35...

Post edited at 01:57

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