Needs updating!!

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 S Strydom 04 May 2024

Needs updating!!

So many climbs in the gower not listed!! Third Sister to Zulu Zawn

 Luke90 04 May 2024
In reply to S Strydom:

I'm sure nobody will object if you crack on with adding them.

In reply to S Strydom:

There is a new (2nd Edition) Rockfax South Wales Sport book/App coming out later in the year which will have all the climbs on Gower in it and added to the UKC Database. There is also a new Rockfax App covering the Trad climbing on Gower coming out in the next week or so (by Matt Woodfield) - the routes in the trad App are already flagged in the database.

In reply to Mark Glaister - Assistant Editor:

The Gower Trad App is now live on Rockfax Digital

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