Public Logbook with Private Comments

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 Callum_Johnson 09 Jul 2024

I used to have a public Logbook, but started using the comment section a lot more for personal memories or beta for future ascents. I don't mind people seeing my ascents and style by having a public Logbook but would prefer to keep the comments private.

Is this split possible?

 lithos 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Callum_Johnson:

I've previously requested a private comments field for each ascent for exactly this reason. Mainly reminding me or gear beta I don't want to spray.

Pretty easy stuff to implement, but not a priority 

 remus Global Crag Moderator 10 Jul 2024
In reply to Callum_Johnson:

If you set your logbook visibility ( > logbook) to 'Partners' or 'Private' your ascents, including ascent style, will still show up in the logbooks but your comments and username will be hidden. This sounds like pretty much what you're after? You can also use the 'feedback' box if you want to leave a public comment.

In reply to remus:

That's almost it, yes the ascents show but the user name appears as "Hidden", when I don't mind my partner's or any other user seeing it was me who climbed a climb but would like to keep the comments/notes private. Currently the only way to have a visible user name is to also has visible comments.

I do use the feedback feature for anything suitable.

Hope that makes sense. Cheers.

Post edited at 20:47
 Ed Booth 11 Jul 2024
In reply to Callum_Johnson:

I have asked for a private comments options in previous year's feedback questionnaires. I think it would be quite helpful.

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