Removing downloaded crags

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 Sam Beaton 19 May 2024

Firstly, as a self confessed luddite, I have long resisted buying the Rockfax app. 

However, I bought it a couple of days ago because I have finally accepted that there is no other sensible way of keeping up to date with the somewhat ephemeral nature of sport climbing in the 6s in the Peak (keeping dozens of tatty print outs from Gary's website was getting a bit silly).

I have to say I am seriously impressed with it in so many ways. But can someone tell me please how to delete a  crag from my phone once downloaded because I can't work it out. Cheers

 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 19 May 2024
In reply to Sam Beaton:

From your list of installed crags, hold and drag left on any on them and a delete/bin option should appear,


OP Sam Beaton 19 May 2024
In reply to Chris Craggs:

I can't hold and drag. Trying that just opens the installed crag

 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 19 May 2024
In reply to Sam Beaton:

Try just dragging in one smooth movement, but not on the crag image?


OP Sam Beaton 19 May 2024
In reply to Chris Craggs:

Can't drag it or swipe it left or right in any way. I'm on a Samsung android phone if that makes any difference 

 Graeme Hammond 19 May 2024
In reply to Sam Beaton:

Go to the library tab top left of screen on front page.

Scroll down and find the area it comes from (probably peak limestone in your case)

Click into that area, you will now get a list of crags with dustbins next to them. Delete any individual crag by clicking on the dustbin

For android atleast this is how it works

Post edited at 08:16
 Edshakey 19 May 2024
In reply to Graeme Hammond:

This has been my method for the last few years of having the app. However, what Chris is suggesting would be far preferable, since you don't have to know what you've got downloaded in order to undownload it.

I've got the same issue as Sam, on an Android (Motorola).

OP Sam Beaton 19 May 2024
In reply to Graeme Hammond:

Thanks. I don't have the library tab, but I've now worked out that if I go to the list of areas, a list of crags comes up with the dustbin icon or download icon next to them.

So, sorry Goddards, but it's a no from me. Even though I've happily climbed quite a lot of choss in the Peak, you still don't look worth a visit

 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 19 May 2024
In reply to Sam Beaton:

> So, sorry Goddards, but it's a no from me. Even though I've happily climbed quite a lot of choss in the Peak, you still don't look worth a visit

The routes in the far left-hand bay are quite good actually. A lot of the other stuff is pretty poor!


OP Sam Beaton 19 May 2024
In reply to Chris Craggs:

I think you might be saying that from the point of view of being someone who has climbed almost everything in the Peak that they can already

 TobyA 20 May 2024
In reply to Sam Beaton:

> Thanks. I don't have the library tab,

On my android it is called "Downloads" and there's where you see all the 'books' ordered by different countries. From there, you click on the 'book', say Peak Limestone, and you'll see the dustbin icon next to ones you have downloaded, as Graeme said. Delete them by clicking on that. 

By the way - I'm going lots of routes similar to you by the sounds of it, 5 and 6 sport routes in the Peak. I've found that for some crags, actually you need more than Gary's website and the Rockfax App, and actually the UKC logbooks are as close to definitive as you can get. I don't remember not having mobile data at any of the sport crags, so I often use UKC logbooks in addition to and the app.  Goddard's Quarry is a good example, lots of 5s and 6s but not everything is on the app and I think a bit less again on And if you climb in the low 6s like me, Goddard's is the source! Sheffield Tape Archive (6a+) should be a regional if not a national classic. You're really missing out if you're not climbing there.

Post edited at 12:24
 Graeme Hammond 20 May 2024
In reply to TobyA:

>Sheffield Tape Archive (6a+) should be a regional if not a national classic. You're really missing out if you're not climbing there.

It must climb better than it looks as the photos don't even make it look like the best rock in the quarry (not that much looks good in goddards) let alone a regional or even a national classic. 

Post edited at 12:44
 TobyA 20 May 2024
In reply to Graeme Hammond:

You haven't done it? I thought you had done everything in the Peak by now! Onsighting Sheff Tape Archive stick out more in my memory than onsighting Pearls from the Shell (6a+) which is perhaps the more obvious line, and definitely more my style of climbing. There aren't too many other routes about the area that you need a 60 mtr rope for, and length is a quality in itself.

Post edited at 13:10

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