Chee tor

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 Philb1950 09 Jul 2024

Does anyone know the current state of play and which routes are possible. There were people on there yesterday 


OP Philb1950 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Philb1950:

Chee Tor

 deacondeacon 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Philb1950:

'Latest ascents' on the logbooks is always good for seeing what's In at particular crags.

Chee Tor has been lovely and dry the last week or so, but the weather today could cause problems. Best to go and have a look, and if it's wet get stuck Into The Cornice.

 Stoney Boy 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Philb1950:

New E5 down there Phil needing a 2nd ascent..

Got your name all over it....

 Neil Foster Global Crag Moderator 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Philb 1950:

> New E5 down there Phil needing a 2nd ascent..

> Got your name all over it....

And I know you can do the first half, Phil, because you led me up it!

It was only 38 years ago…..

 Simon King 10 Jul 2024
In reply to Philb1950:

Was there a few weeks ago when crag was dry but most routes looked like they hadn't had ascents (see UKC as mentioned above) and needed a bit of a tidy either en route or on ab.


 Niall Grimes 10 Jul 2024
In reply to Philb1950:

I was there on Monday and the 3 routes we were on (Meditation, Two Sunspots and Mortlocks pitch 1) were ok. I didn't do Mortlocks although apparently it would be nicer with a clean.

OP Philb1950 10 Jul 2024
In reply to Neil Foster:

Like you say 38 years ago and Dom was stronger than me back then, so no early repeat from me. One thing though, it’s spoilt my personal record of having done all the E5,s on Chee!

 TobyA 10 Jul 2024
In reply to Philb1950:

Some friends of mine went to do the Girdle a month or two ago and reported it to be overgrown to the extent they didn't try. This seems odd because the logbooks report it getting done recently. Has anyone been on it recently? Is there much annoying greenery?

It's a route I'd like to do this summer.

 Stoney Boy 10 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

The Girdle was climbed at least twice last Saturday.

We cleaned the top pitch of Great Central route and a few other routes are getting done.

 kristian Global Crag Moderator 10 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Maybe they were trying to start the Girdle from the high approach from the tunnel. Starting up Doggone grove it is fine and most of the fixed thread belays along the way are good also.

 TobyA 10 Jul 2024
In reply to kristian and Stoney Boy:

Thanks gents. I actually helped put some of the static rope and rings lower offs with a BMC Peak area group climb and clean there a few years ago. It must be maybe 5 years ago now but I didn't remember any sort of bushes looking along the traverse line from the tops of the routes we did, so I was a bit confused when Joe and Jesus said this. Perhaps they got their crags mixed up... Or just have incredibly high standards of crag cleanliness!

 Jesus_C 02 Aug 2024
In reply to TobyA:

I was the first to be surprised Toby.

The Girdle looked overgrown but then I checked and there were a few recent logs.  So I don't know. I might need to improve my "ivy climbing"

I would love to give a go with you whenever I'm back (back go ahead if you have the chance)

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