Extreme rock new edition

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 Owen W-G 26 Jul 2024

I got contacting by a guy on UKC about photos for, what I think he said, was working on a revamp of Extreme Rock

For some reason those emails all vanished from my gmail so can’t work out who it was

No one knows who I’m talking about do they?

 Alex Riley 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Owen W-G:

Was it Jethro Keirnan?

OP Owen W-G 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Alex Riley:

I think it might be!

I’ve emailed Jethro will soon find out

 atrendall 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Owen W-G:

Contact Vertebrate Publishing. I was emailed by Grant Farquhar who was after info about Cuillin routes in Extreme Rock 2.

 duncan b 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Owen W-G:

Interesting. Is there any more info? Proposed publication date, which routes will be covered, etc. 

 Si Witcher 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Owen W-G:

You can contact Grant as "Dr Evil" on UKC. He's your Extreme Rock contact.

 ExiledScot 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Owen W-G:

Bugger... I was hoping my 20 copies of the original would be my retirement fund. 

 Andy Moles 26 Jul 2024
In reply to duncan b:

> Interesting. Is there any more info? Proposed publication date, which routes will be covered, etc. 

I haven't seen the finalised list, but suffice to say it's a much changed, and much improved, selection.

In reply to ExiledScot:

I'd imagine that a new edition would only increase the value of your originals.

 Misha 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Moles:

Can’t wait - a new, improved tick list! Also interested to see who has written the essays - should be a fairly diverse bunch of people with an array of styles. 

 Philb1950 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

Some of the authors, as the routes are new and some the original. For instance I wrote about Edge Lane Millstone for the first edition, but Alan McArdy who actually made the first ascent is writing for the current book, which seems appropriate 

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