BBC: "MP's mountain rescue call-out after election win"

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 TobyA 12 Jul 2024

I saw this on the BBC 

"Josh MacAlister was elected for Cumbria's Workington and Whitehaven constituency at about 02:15 BST on Friday.

The Labour MP said he was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon and an early night after staying up late, but instead he was responding to a call-out at 23:00 BST."

What a dude! 

I think the mountain rescue teams of the UK are going to have a very personal champion in this Parliament, and I hope the BMC are reaching out to him as well. Congrats on the win to Josh and congrats on going out on the shout less than 24 hrs later.

 Dave Baker SP5 12 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

MPs who actually serve their communities are incredibly valuable.  

My hat is off to you, Josh. 

Post edited at 16:02
 BusyLizzie 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

What a star!

 RobAJones 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Some of his previous work with vulnerable children is pretty impressive as well. He seemed to make all the right noises , for me at least, during the campaign and like many in newly elected positions is hitting the ground running, regarding meetings at least. There are  some in the Local Labour Party who objected to him being forced on them, but even some of them are starting to warm to him. 

 Tom Guitarist 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Seems like an improvement on his predecessor (I know that there were boundary changes so it's technically a new seat) who said that people sold food from food banks for drugs. 

 Dave Hewitt 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Hope he turns out better than the Scottish government's MRT member!

In reply to Dave Hewitt:

Well, you do have to question how it is possible to run up 11k in mobile data charges. I know it's feasible, due to the tariffs, but more that it is possible to have tariffs that high...

In reply to captain paranoia:

That's a lot of os map tiles.

OP TobyA 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Dave Hewitt:

I didn't realize the iPad chap was connected to our little mountaineering world!

OP TobyA 13 Jul 2024
In reply to RobAJones:

As he is in a lakes MRT I figured he was local-ish? The local Tories tried to make a big thing that my now new Labour MP was a carpet bagger because she came to NE Derbyshire all the way from North Leicestershire! 😄 I've somehow found it in my heart to forgive her. 

Toby - originally from Worcestershire via Glasgow and Helsinki ;⁠-⁠)

 RobAJones 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

> As he is in a lakes MRT I figured he was local-ish? 

There is a high bar for being classed as local in West Cumbria. I'm still regarded as a offcomer by people, even though (or perhaps because) I taught their parents 30 years ago. 

The complaints about him being a Tory Government stooge, when he was appointed chair of the DfE review into Child Social Care, a couple of years ago, haven't aged well. 

 biggianthead 13 Jul 2024
In reply to RobAJones:

If anyone can understand politics in West Cumbria they are the prime candidate to be the mediator in Gaza and Ukraine

 JCurrie 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Tom Guitarist:

Was that Jenkinson? Following the publication of a photo of him playing bowls in the local paper my BiL sent a tongue-in-cheek letter to him congratulating him on taking the knee. Needless to say Jenkinson took the bait; the reply letter was hilarious and has pride of place on the kitchen wall.

 Denning76 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

To be fair she must be better than the previous Labour one in that constituency who rather intelligently came out in favour of fracking in a constituency where it was planned, shortly before the '17 election...

 Dave Hewitt 13 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

> I didn't realize the iPad chap was connected to our little mountaineering world!

Given how urban-focused members of the recent/current Scottish government have been in their interests and activities, it's disappointing how things have gone for the minister with perhaps the best outdoor credentials. Here's an old piece where he talks about his involvement in mountain rescue:,interview-michael-matheson_5682.htm

 ripper 14 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Chapeau probably not appropriate in this case so...

Helmet, sir. Helmet

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