Achilles tendonitis insoles and physio recommendations

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 climb the peak 22 Jun 2021

I've started to develop what I think is Achilles Paratenonitis.

My achilles don't really hurt when loaded, but they do hurt when walking over uneven surfaces. I've got quite flat feet, and hypermobile joints, which means my ankle joint moves all over the place when I'm on uneven ground.

I've got some comfy and supportive Teva sandals that seen to help decrease pain. I'm looking for insoles that provide a similar level of support in my trainers.

Can anyone recommend off the shelf insoles, or a good podiatrist?

I've had a session with a very helpful physio, but I'd also like to see someone who specialises in achilles / tendon problems. Please let me know if you have any recommendations for a good one!

I'm based in the North West, so recommendations around there would be fab!


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