Advice regarding CCC logistics

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 Alex8584 03 Jul 2023

Hi, I'm lucky to be running the CCC this year, but have been struggling to find information online related to the event logistics. I'll be staying in Les Houches for event and I'm wondering the best way to get to the coach that will transport us to the start. Car hire is expensive in Switzerland and I imagine parking in Chamonix will be at a premium. Any advice will be much appreciated as it is very scarce online. Alex

 greg_may_ 03 Jul 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Train - thats my plan  

 yorkshireman 04 Jul 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

When I did it I was staying up at Le Tour and there was a charter bus running past the accommodation with stops all the way into Chamonix, dedicated just for runners (so any family and friends will have to make other arrangements). Should be the same for you. 

However just checked my old emails (it was 6 years ago) and I received a timetable by email for the bus (didn't receive the mail until 29th August so be patient - race was 1st September), showing all 13 stops and arrival times between Vallorcine and Chamonix, which I'm guessing were specific to the time slot I reserved. 

I'm guessing you will receive similar and there will be a stop in Les Houches

Good luck!

Post edited at 06:42
OP Alex8584 04 Jul 2023
In reply to yorkshireman:

Thanks for that, I was initially meant to go with my wife, but due to work I'll now be going on my own. 


 yorkshireman 04 Jul 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

> Thanks for that, I was initially meant to go with my wife, but due to work I'll now be going on my own. 

That's a shame, but CCC is awkward to be joined at to be honest and I find the stress at trying to time aid station meet ups sometimes outweighs the emotional uplift of getting help.

My wife met me at Champex-Lac and the drive from Chamonix (in appalling weather) was a couple of hours. There's no drop bag allowed along the route but the aid stations are great, but you can have one at the finish which will be invaluable if you have to wait for transport back to Les Houches.

 Philb1950 05 Jul 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Parking in Cham. a no no. The council are at war with cars and motor homes. Train from Les Houches could be a long walk to the station depending where you’re staying. Bus every few minutes.

OP Alex8584 05 Jul 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Thanks for help, very much appreciated. 

 greg_may_ 06 Jul 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Email with start shuttle reservations just popped into inbox! 

OP Alex8584 10 Jul 2023
In reply to greg_may_:

I've just confirmed my bus from Les Houches. Thanks for the reply Greg as I totally missed that email. Good luck for the race, do you have a target time?

 greg_may_ 11 Jul 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Ooff...yes, but not one I can say out loud yet! Not that it'll be fast, but it'll hurt for me.

Currently dealing with a foot injury after the Snowdon Skyrace. Add on the last two weeks of term, lots of staff "outings" and I'm debating what I want from the race other than a tan

OP Alex8584 11 Jul 2023
In reply to greg_may_:

I always aim to get round and have a good day with any big race, anything else is a bonus. Good luck anyway 🤞

 yorkshireman 12 Jul 2023
In reply to greg_may_:

> Ooff...yes, but not one I can say out loud yet! Not that it'll be fast, but it'll hurt for me.

Don't go too quick or you will arrive in Chamonix in the dark early hours of the morning with nobody around

Better to pace it and get there when there's a decent crowd! Good luck. 

 greg_may_ 13 Aug 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Back from holidays and reading the stack of info that is the runners guide and the transport guide.

Looking at local public transport, neither the bus nor trains are running early enough to get from Les Houches to catch the shuttle bus for the start (I'm on a 06:45 bus).

Or, have I missed something with regards the separate UTMB shuttle system that is in place for supporters etc? 

 yorkshireman 13 Aug 2023
In reply to greg_may_

> Looking at local public transport, neither the bus nor trains are running early enough to get from Les Houches to catch the shuttle bus for the start (I'm on a 06:45 bus).

You say you're on the 6.45 shuttle, but did you ask for this from Chamonix, or from one of the ones that heads through Les Houches? I would assume Les Houches is a stop on the route as there will be a lot of runners staying there. 

I was staying near Le Tour so got on the runners bus that came from Vallorcine so I assume the same thing happens in your direction. The confirmation email had all the stops listed on it and I just looked for one near my accommodation. 

Route and schedule found here

 greg_may_ 13 Aug 2023
In reply to yorkshireman:

Ahhhhhhh - that is much easier! I didn't see that as an option  

Many thanks. 

 greg_may_ 23 Aug 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Email today with update to route, no Grand Balcon Sud to Tete Aux Vents, we take... the lower narrower trail now  

 yorkshireman 23 Aug 2023
In reply to greg_may_:

> Email today with update to route, no Grand Balcon Sud to Tete Aux Vents, we take... the lower narrower trail now  

Sound similar to the detour during the year I did it (2017) due to bad weather (it snowed at night) but right now we're into the third week of an epic heat wave so not sure what the reason is for the change. The consensus at the time though was that the detour wasn't fun. 

Was looking for detail and found my or race report. Might help. Good luck.

 greg_may_ 23 Aug 2023
In reply to yorkshireman:

I've been wondering if longer term forecast, post heat wave, are for very poor weather. Only reason I can fathom.  

 timjones 23 Aug 2023
In reply to greg_may_:

I'm currently biding my time in Lyon before starting L'Echapee Belle on Friday and the forecast indicates that storms are onthe way but the exact timing is uncertain and they keep pushing it back.

It could make TDS interesting.

 yorkshireman 24 Aug 2023
In reply to timjones:

> I'm currently biding my time in Lyon before starting L'Echapee Belle on Friday and the forecast indicates that storms are onthe way but the exact timing is uncertain and they keep pushing it back.

Excellent (apart from Lyon topping 40° at the moment), best of luck. It's on my bucket list (I was entered in 2020 but didn't run due to the pandemic) and I've friends who have done it and say it is incredible, and harder than UTMB despite being shorter, but a much wilder and more technical course. Let us all know how you get on. 

I read an article saying the recent heatwave has increased snowmelt considerably making some valley areas boggy and muddy (positive temps on the summit of mont blanc apparently). 

 greg_may_ 24 Aug 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

My wife is off to do UTMR the week after us. She's very much hoping for a decrease in temp! 

I've already added some extra crap weather kit to the pile - may add more if we're looking at a propper day out. 

 timjones 24 Aug 2023
In reply to yorkshireman:

> Excellent (apart from Lyon topping 40° at the moment), best of luck. It's on my bucket list (I was entered in 2020 but didn't run due to the pandemic) and I've friends who have done it and say it is incredible, and harder than UTMB despite being shorter, but a much wilder and more technical course. Let us all know how you get on. 

> I read an article saying the recent heatwave has increased snowmelt considerably making some valley areas boggy and muddy (positive temps on the summit of mont blanc apparently). 

It looks incredible. I made a late decision to enter and only got offered a place 4 days ago so it's been a real rush to get out here without breaking the bank and I've spent the last 48 hours sleeping on buses, ferries and trains, plus a night in a hostel that appeared to be hosting the world snoring champs last night.

It looks like the first 24 hours will be brutally hot with the potential for a big storm on Saturday.

Just one short bus ride to registration now where I will find out if they have found me a seat on a shuttle to the start. If not it will be more trains and buses tonight before dossing in a hedge near the start

OP Alex8584 24 Aug 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

The weather certainly looks interesting to say the least, I’m going to have to make so kit choices soon as it seems like the weather will be more akin to an autumn in Eryri than late summer in the Alps.

 yorkshireman 24 Aug 2023
In reply to timjones:

I just walked 10 minutes from home to the co-working space in the village - its 35C and I'm ready for a lie down after just that - praying it drops for you (we're at 1000m) although like you say Saturday is going to be freshening up with a storm.

In reply to Alex8584:

> The weather certainly looks interesting to say the least, I’m going to have to make so kit choices soon as it seems like the weather will be more akin to an autumn in Eryri than late summer in the Alps.

Give me cold weather over hot any day. You can always put more gear on or run faster, but cooling off in August in France is pretty hard without stopping.

OP Alex8584 24 Aug 2023
In reply to yorkshireman: Definitely, I’ve been a bit worried about possible hot conditions as it’s been so cool in England this summer I’d have been really suffering in 30 plus degrees.

Post edited at 16:56
 greg_may_ 24 Aug 2023
In reply to Alex8584:

Cool would suit me well also. I can warm up easier than cool down at the best of times. I've packed a few extras in just incase. 

 yorkshireman 24 Aug 2023
In reply to timjones:

My local run club WhatsApp group just mentioned most of the race has been cancelled due to the weather. I guess the organisers are keeping you up to date. I was told just the start of the race (to Pleynet) and the Skyrace going ahead. 

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