"Diamond lane climb" segments on Strava

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 GDes 25 Jun 2024

Whenever I look at a run on Strava, there always seems to be loads of segments called "Diamond Lane Climb".  What does this mean? Where does the phrase come from?

 McHeath 25 Jun 2024
In reply to GDes:

I see you´re in Devon - do you run past the Avon Dam reservoir often?

People can create and name a segment of a run, which automatically gets named and timed in anybody else´s run which happens by chance to include that segment.

Post edited at 13:32
 ablackett 25 Jun 2024
In reply to GDes:

I would imagine these are off road segments right? Strava used to automatically create segments based on places folk ran and name them based on the ‘nearest road + climb’, which could be a fair way away if it’s a mountain run. Hence lots of segments ended up with the same name, see “Honister pass climb” for more examples.

OP GDes 26 Jun 2024
In reply to McHeath:

Yes I understand the idea of segments, there just seems to be lots of segments with that name round here.  Some on roads, some off road. I just wondered if it was some kind of secret Strava code...

OP GDes 26 Jun 2024
In reply to ablackett:

That makes sense.  The impact of this particular Diamond Lane seems to be very far reaching in South Devon!

 McHeath 26 Jun 2024
In reply to GDes:

Weird system! Just had a look at one of my routes in the woods, runners around here seem to have a thing about naming everything they ever do (German efficiency): I’ve got bits of 12 segments with 12 different names - Pig short, Pig right hand, Quick Climb To The Willy (monument to Kaiser Wilhelm), You Bastard You … quite entertaining, must read them more often

PS this is the one I’m proudest of, 3x Kudos, my phone must have gone independent during a walk and the innaccurate GPS under the trees did the rest …

Post edited at 08:58

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