Fell Relays/Compasssport Cup

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 Nic Barber 14 Oct 2022

Double header this weekend:

British Fell and Hill Relays at Broughton, Scottish Borders on Saturday.

Compass Sport Cup final (British club orienteering competition) at Devilla, near Kincardine, on Sunday

I'll be at the Relays on Saturday. Can't race so will be on duty for a game of 'name that vest' for the commentary team.

 ablackett 15 Oct 2022
In reply to Nic Barber:

I’m on L3 at the relays. Looking like the clag is down, hopefully see you at the end of the leg.

 Dave Todd 15 Oct 2022
In reply to Nic Barber:

Our family was due to run in CSC (SYO) but my son has just started 6th Form and has been surprised by the amount of work he has to do! So, I'm staying at home with him while OH and daughter get to run. I'll be following results! Come on SYO! 

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