Frozen Garmin

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 BusyLizzie 03 Aug 2022

Has to be better than frozen assets or a frozen shoulder, but still a nuisance - has anyone else had this? I set it up to record a run, and it gets stuck  at the "Wait" stage when it's waiting for gps and the buttons don't work - can't go forward to start the run, can't go back to wrist-watch mode,  can't switch it off.

It's about 4 years old, which seems a bit soon for it to wear out.

In reply to BusyLizzie:

Depends what model it is, but on the odd occasion when my Instinct has frozen it can be shut down by holding ctrl and then switched on normally. 

 Ridge 03 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

I think with most garmin watches you just hold down the power button (the start/stop button top right) until the screen goes blank.

 Green Porridge 04 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

I had this happen to me about two weeks ago with a forerunner 35. Just as you describe, I went to record, it got stuck at 'wait' and wouldn't let me do anything, even turn it off. Eventually (after a couple of hours) the screen changed, I restarted it and it's been fine since.

OP BusyLizzie 04 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Thanks all. I've just powered off and will see what happens.

 climberchristy 04 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

What model is it? I know how to unfreeze a Fenix 5, but that might not work for your model. Google how to unfreeze your particular model and you should find it quickly enough. Good luck. 

BTW for Fenix 5 it's as follows...

Hold light button (top left) for at least 15 secs. Watch should power off then restart. If does not automatically restart just press light button again.

Alternative try pressing start (top right) plus back (bottom right) plus down (bottom left) all at same time and hold until watch responds.

 Dave Todd 04 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

This also happened to my daughter's Forerunner 35 last week.  Power off/on seems to have fixed it.

OP BusyLizzie 04 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Powered off this morning and then on again, experimented on the way to work, seems ok now albeit very slow in picking up gps.

In reply to climberchristy I did try the off button while ot was frozen but it wouldn't even power off.

Anyway, many thanks to all, fingers crossed!

 mondite 04 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

> experimented on the way to work, seems ok now albeit very slow in picking up gps.

Slow gps can be down to out of date EPO file

Depending on your watch it might be CPE instead.

 Jack Frost 04 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Yes happened to my Forerunner 35 a couple of weeks ago. Checking the device support in the Garmin App took me to this page which basically says:

"Garmin is aware of an issue with the Forerunner 35 where the watch may become unresponsive during a workout. Other symptoms may include:

Incorrect time displayed without changing.

Device will not respond to button presses.

To remove your device from this state you will need to perform a hard reset"

I powered it off/on and not had a problem since. 

OP BusyLizzie 05 Aug 2022
In reply to Jack Frost:

Yes I think that's exactly it!

In reply to mondite:

Strangely enough my Garmin Instinct was slow to pick up GPS this morning. It’s never happened before. When I checked the EPO file was expired. Syncing with the Garmin Connect app didn’t fix it, I had to connect it to Garmin Express on my PC. 

Post edited at 15:49

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