High Peak Marathon 2023

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 llanberis36 01 Oct 2022

Does anyone know if the HPM is on next March 

If so anyone need a team member (running)

 ablackett 02 Oct 2022
In reply to llanberis36:

I spoke to a pennine runner who said it wasn’t on but that some folk were planning on going for a run along the route on the traditional date and, you know, seeing who finishes first. 

I didn’t discuss it in detail with him so I may have got the wrong end of the stick.

 Denning76 02 Oct 2022
In reply to llanberis36:

I'd be very surprised if it came back. Natural England effectively have killed it off.

Apparently building a track to your grouse butts in the Peak without planning permission is something worthy of their funding, but the HPM is too much.

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