John Kelly Pennine Way FKT attempt - again

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 kathrync 14 May 2021

Looks like John Kelly is starting an attempt to get his short-lived FKT back tomorrow. North to south this time. Tracker here:

 JamButty 14 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

cool thanks for this.

Despite being really positive last year with Damian Hall beating him a few days later,  he must have been gutted so this isn't surprising.

I'd be surprised if he doesn't achieve it now he has a clear target,  so should be good unless the weather hits

Good luck John!

 Nic Barber 14 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Also reliant on his stomach coping better than last summer.

I imagine it may be a bit boggier now than it was a few weeks ago.

Be an interesting watch.

Roadrunner6 14 May 2021
In reply to JamButty:

He didn't sound gutted. Didn't they support each other? It seems like a great friendly rivalry.

OP kathrync 14 May 2021
In reply to Roadrunner6:

> He didn't sound gutted. Didn't they support each other? It seems like a great friendly rivalry.

It does - but I can't imagine JK wasn't disappointed that he didn't feel like he performed as well as he could have even if he doesn't care who actually holds the FKT.

 Kalna_kaza 15 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

He's set off at about 0900 this morning. I'll be dot watching!

 mrphilipoldham 15 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

He's passing by mine about 11 on Monday morning, I might have a walk down and wave him on! 

 Welsh Kate 15 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Ooh, dot-watching!


 Andrew Lodge 15 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Liking the feature showing where he is in relation to the record.

 minimike 15 May 2021
In reply to Andrew Lodge:

Does anyone know if the trophy icon is a Damian’s actual track or just a flat pace calculated from his time?

 steelbru 15 May 2021
In reply to minimike:

It says on the website

"The icon with the trophy is the record pace set by Damian Hall from his record of 61h 35m set in 2020"

At the previous checkpoint ( Hut 1 ) which Damo reached in 3:19, then at 12:19 the trophy icon was not yet at the checkpoint, about 0.5km short. And again at Byrness, which Damo reached in 4:58 then the trophy icon not yet there at 13:58.

So if it's meant to his actual track then it's a couple of minutes off.

 steelbru 15 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

JK's gone out hard and fast.

Latest checkpoint : Ladyhill in 8:26, Damo last year 9:19 to same point

 ablackett 16 May 2021
In reply to steelbru:

The trophy icon is Damian's actual times, not a calculation based on pace.

I ran with him over Cross Fell last night, he is eating and drinking well, climbing strongly and going bloody fast on the descents, I stopped to take a jacket off and had to go full pelt for 5 minutes to catch him.

 steveb2006 16 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

About 9.5 miles ahead of the record pace at Hawes. Looking good.

 Andy Hardy 16 May 2021
In reply to steveb2006:

Hope he misses these hail showers! Pretty intense + lightning 😱

OP kathrync 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Having started this thread, I didn't actually look much over the weekend. Looks like he is well ahead this morning!

 Ridge 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

He's really shifting!

 goose299 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Currently 3 hours up on his target. 

Something will have go to go really wrong for him to mess this up

What a beast! 

 greg_may_ 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Weather in Hebden area has been a mixture of torrential rain and quite warm. Little wind, should be ok at the moment. Couldn't get out to say hi as I'm herding a poorly 4 year old

 Tom Briggs 17 May 2021
In reply to greg_may_:

He's looking at a finish time of, what, 58h 30mins? So an average pace of around 8:24/km? Over that terrain and in this weather.


 airborne 17 May 2021
In reply to Tom Briggs:

Apparently he's barely slept which explains the lead he's got on Damian's time, however it must be hitting him pretty hard by now. 

 rsc 17 May 2021
In reply to goose299: 

> Something will have go to go really wrong for him to mess this up

Well, he’s done the easy bit, now for Bleaklow...

 maybe_si 17 May 2021
In reply to rsc:

He is only 3km away from the top of Bleaklow... near enough all flat or downhill from there! 

 greg_may_ 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Definitely have enough time for a few before last orders. 

 rsc 17 May 2021
In reply to maybe_si:

... and paved! Bleaklow isn’t what it used to be 😀

Seriously, what a run.

 Denning76 17 May 2021
In reply to rsc:

To be fair, those paving slabs can be bloody lethal in winter without dobs on the shoes. I'd rather have the mud and bog!

 climb41 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Really, we lose reception NOW?.......

 r0b 17 May 2021
In reply to climb41:

Tracker is back and he's across the Snake. Only about 8 miles to go

 Edshakey 17 May 2021
In reply to r0b:

Tracker has stopped for me (been at Sandy Heys for 20 mins now), doesn't seem to be a reception issue. Anyone else able to see any progress? - should be beyond Kinder Downfall by now!

edit: unless he's having a little nap there and really has been stopped for a while!

Post edited at 18:15
 minimike 17 May 2021
In reply to Edshakey:

The tracker often freezes for up to half an hour before it shows the reception icon. I suspect he will pop out in the south side of kinder shortly..

 maybe_si 17 May 2021
In reply to Edshakey:

I was thinking the same, it really is the home straight right now! (Speaking as someone who has not been on the go for c60hrs)

 Edshakey 17 May 2021
In reply to minimike:

Great, cheers. Was getting worried then, with the finish line right there - could probably crawl into Edale at this point and still grab the fkt!

 minimike 17 May 2021
In reply to Edshakey:


 Edshakey 17 May 2021
In reply to minimike:

Was about to reply, spot on from you. Absolute machine, his pace has not faltered at all

 minimike 17 May 2021
In reply to Edshakey:

Yeah, tell you what, that raise from the youth hostel at booth over to Edale must feel like Everest after that.. I’d be crawling!

edit: no, I’d be somewhere near Bellingham.

 minimike 17 May 2021
In reply to minimike:



edit: time got updated

Post edited at 19:12
 Andy Hardy 17 May 2021
In reply to minimike:

Wow indeed! That will take some beating. 

 Edshakey 17 May 2021
In reply to minimike:

Brilliant, his final split off kinder was incredible for nearly 60 hours in - amazing running

 ablackett 17 May 2021
In reply to minimike:

> 58:04:49

> wow

> edit: time got updated

58:04:53 was the time shared on the WhatsApp group, not that anyone would begrudge him 4 seconds either way!

Absolutely incredible run.

 maybe_si 17 May 2021
In reply to Edshakey:

What we're the final splits? Where did you see them?

 Edshakey 17 May 2021
In reply to maybe_si:

Just taken off the live tracker - his schedule gave him 2.5 hours to get down and he did it in just over 2, so half an hour of his 3.5 hour gain over the record happened there. Considering he'd be pretty consistent all weekend, this was by far the biggest leap ahead of those predictions!

(Possible they got those predictions completely wrong and he didn't actually accelerate in the final stage, would be interesting to find that out for sure)

 r0b 17 May 2021
In reply to Edshakey:

The finish, amazing to still be able to run like that after 260 miles!

 George Ormerod 17 May 2021
In reply to r0b:

I guess he's done it................ wow..............

 Kryank 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

Must admit I have been avidly dot watching, and am absolutely blown away! What an effort! Bravo sir!

 George Ormerod 17 May 2021
In reply to Kryank:

What was the final time?

 Kryank 17 May 2021
In reply to George Ormerod:

Just over 58 hours to do 260 odd miles, think he knocked around 3h 25 mins off!

*edit just noticed someone already put the time above!😃

Post edited at 20:24
 JamButty 17 May 2021
In reply to kathrync:

I just smashed my 7.5km slightly hilly fell run,  and probably finished before him!

Gobsmaking stuff,  loved the dot watching all weekend,  and great short video of him finishing....

 George Ormerod 17 May 2021
In reply to Kryank:

Ah, sorry, I didn't scroll up.

 Dr.S at work 17 May 2021
In reply to r0b:

5 kids! no wonder he wants to get out the house!

 George Ormerod 17 May 2021
In reply to Dr.S at work:

> 5 kids! no wonder he wants to get out the house!

Not sleeping for 60 hours will be a doddle then!

 James FR 18 May 2021
In reply to Edshakey:

I plotted Damian Hall's split times against John Kelly's and JK was consistently faster from the start (it's an almost linear increase) until Airton, where he was 4 hours ahead of Damian's time. From then on the splits are very similar, meaning they both ran the end of the route at the same speed, until the final stretch from the Snake Pass to Edale.

Unfortunately they don't have the same timing locations on the tracker for this last part, but despite what seemed like a fast finish by JK, Damian actually ran this part 25 minutes quicker.

 mountainbagger 19 May 2021
In reply to James FR:

For the stats geeks amongst us, details on Strava:


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