Joss Naylor RIP

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 birdie num num 29 Jun 2024

Somewhere, I still have his little pamphlet on the Wainwrights in a week. 

 ExiledScot 29 Jun 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

A sad loss, but what a legend. Many break or hold the odd record, but there can't be many who have broken or held as many as he did over so many years, truly in a class of his own. 

 Lankyman 29 Jun 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

What a shame. Although I wasn't a fell runner he stood out as someone who transcended the sport. Another 'immortal' who's passed into memory.

 gld73 29 Jun 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

Met him a couple of times, a lovely and humble man and a true Cumbrian legend.

 plyometrics 29 Jun 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

Sad news, but what a life he led!

 ohsmeg 29 Jun 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

Sad loss. He was a fell runner par excellence. An inspiration indeed. Also a very humble, down-to-earth man. 

Post edited at 14:11
In reply to birdie num num:

Joss was a real character and a kind and generous man. A true gentleman.

I paced Joss on his 60 at 60 when he had terrible back problems . His determination and ability to endure pain were incredible to see.

 Wainers44 19 Jul 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

A very moving and memorable funeral service at St Olafs in Wasdale today. Loads of runners responding to the families request to run there.

I ran over from Honister, Moses Trod etc. 

A special send off for a very special man.

Found out that he and I had done our very first fell run  at the same age and on exactly the same course. We both did the fell race course at OBMS Eskdale at around 17 years old.  Fair to say that after that the similarities between our fell running exploits were few and far between!!

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