October marathon

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 BusyLizzie 12 Aug 2022

Some months ago I entered the Loch Rannoch marathon on 16 October. Life has sort of overtaken that and I don't want to make the Scottish trip, but still want an October marathon. So:

1) I don't know if Loch Rannoch marathon entires are transferable, but if they are I have one that someone else could make use of.

2) Could anyone recommend a marathon, preferably in the south of England in October, not too hilly cos I haven't trained for hills, at least partly road if poss cos I want to improve my current glacial pb.



 thelostjockey 13 Aug 2022
In reply to BusyLizzie:

This is the best listing I have found, lots to see. Happy to hear if anyone has found another fine marathon listing site. Hope you find a run. 

OP BusyLizzie 14 Aug 2022
In reply to thelostjockey:

That is excellent - the most comprehensive list I've seen. Thank you!

Currently thinking Clarendon Marathon, Salisbury to Winchester on 2nd October.

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