Paddy Buckley Round. New Record.

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 Myfyr Tomos 04 Jun 2023

Just before 4am yesterday, Lizzie Richardson of Tanygrisiau set off from Llanberis to attempt the Paddy Buckley Round. She set a blistering pace and kept it up all day to finish in a time of 17 hours 22 minutes and 54 seconds. This knocked an hour and eleven minutes off the previous women's record by Jasmin Paris set in 2016. Incredible effort - well done Lizzie.

Post edited at 19:35

 George Ormerod 04 Jun 2023
In reply to Myfyr Tomos:


 AdamJH 04 Jun 2023
In reply to Myfyr Tomos:

A quite stunning performance. Many of the pacers (I was one)were dropping like flies, Lizzie just kept powering on.

 Nic Barber 06 Jun 2023
In reply to Myfyr Tomos:

This is impressive. Any more info anywhere? 

Post edited at 11:34
 mountainbagger 06 Jun 2023
In reply to Nic Barber:

It's on Strava but you need to request to follow Lizzie to see it. Not really much more info there in terms of a story...hopefully there will be a blow by blow write-up at some point!

Amazing run!! I'm a mess in the heat so it just seems mind boggling to me. All I can think about is nausea and dehydration, slowing to a walk and then giving up within about 3-4 hrs. And I'd be at a slower pace than she managed for 4x that!

 Luke90 06 Jun 2023
In reply to Nic Barber:

Doesn't really provide more info, as such, but it's on the Open Tracking FB page...

Edit: Or a direct link to the track for those who don't do FB...

Post edited at 12:55

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