Robin Downie attempts the inaugural Martin Moran Round

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At 3am Robin Downie will be setting off on the inaugural Martin Moran Round.

The route takes an inspiring/appalling (delete as appropriate) amount of elevation, with 8,890m of ascent (!!!) and 90km throughout the Torridonian hills. Along the way he'll be raising money for the Martin Moran Foundation, who's aim is to provide fully funded outdoor adventure activities to young people who might not otherwise have been provided with the opportunity, or been able to afford to.

I can't find a gpx of the exact route, but for those who are interested there's a fly-by here:

Live Tracking

Just Giving

In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Not sure whether or not Robin has stopped, is out of battery, or out of signal, but he's been like this for a while now. Fingers crossed he's kept going.

Shame that the tracker doesn't show you the route!!

 markk 05 Aug 2022
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Excellent dot watching - fingers crossed it's just a temporary glitch...

 RBK 05 Aug 2022
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

There's a GPX of the plan here, 

Robin may have made a couple of last minute tweaks but that's basically it, hopefully a classic in the making!

 Michael Hood 05 Aug 2022
In reply to RBK:

Anyone know why the OS site always reckons my Edge browser is an un-supported version that needs updating even if it's up-to-date and has the same version number as my Google browser which the OS site is happy with.

In reply to RBK:

Amazing, thanks - that's exactly what I was after.

The Martin Moran Foundation Instagram Stories are relatively recent, so hopefully he's still going!

 tony 05 Aug 2022
In reply to RBK:

One of the guys at Shieldaig Outdoor Adventures has a similar, but slightly tougher, route, which starts and finishes in Shieldaig, and includes a swim across the narrows between Upper Loch Torridon and Loch Shieldaig, run up Beinn Alligin, swim across Loch a' Bhealaich before Baosbheinn, swim across Loch na h-Oidhche and then back to Beinn Eighe and Liathach, and then over the road to Beinn Damh and swim across Loch Damh.

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