Running with a bad back?

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Hi. Anyone recovered from a bad back and able to run a good distance again?  51, back problem (hip really) 4 years ago but have history of running. 
Yoga? Weight lifting? Walk/run to recovery or just let it go? Thank you.  

 SouthernSteve 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

I think the answer will depend on the injury. Have you seen a sports orientated physio for advice? You will get lots of experiential comment on here, occasionally one physio posts, but ultimately it will be clinical assessment that will be important. I would go couch to 5K and see what happens, but that might not be appropriate.

 hokkyokusei 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

I gave up running (was told to, at the time) due to a back injury (canal stenosis actually, leading to back, hip and leg pain) a few years ago. A year ago, an expensive specialist told me that I should have just carried on running, just not on days I was in pain, so my plan is to pick it up again. Unfortunately, I've put on just over 15kg since then, so it's not an attractive proposition, and I keep putting it off!

 im off 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

I've got a bad lower back (and ankle....and knees tweeking abit).....52. I think mainly it's cartilage wear and arthritis in a few places.

I ran on and off till recently not to any standard but.....1 to 2 hr slow fell runs...over moors. I've more or less switched to road cycling cos the running became less fun due to pain. Cycling is very gentle on my joints and allows me to still push it abit.

When I was running, I found I was taking longer to recover....5 days sort of thing. And I found anything over an hour flared joints up too much. Maybe mix up run with cycle swim etc. Conditioning of muscles to support joints probably really important. Go steady, get advise on good running technique.....

For me switching to bike made exercise more fun again.

 wbo2 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:I've been pretty with my back, but I know plenty who haven't.  You're not going to get a straight answer here as bad back/hip covers so many things, and a bad back can often cause a heck of a lot of challenges running and lead to a number of different lower body injuries.

So yes, maybe, but why do you have a bad back and are you doing anything to fix it?

 misterb 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

How much do you want to run and how far? 

If it's just leisure running to stay a bit aerobically fit then just get out there and run walk 20-30 mins a few times a week and see how it pans out, hopefully the issue will not resurface and just getting some mileage will start a trend to overall recovery and allow you to develop further ( I am assuming that the injury is not current and causing you immediate pain if you do try to run) 

If you have a goal to do big races or fast times for you etc then it's going to take more effort and time as you are probably well aware

Sitting in a harness red pointing and jumping off anything high outside mainly aggravated my back so limiting what you do in your climbing week might also help

Sadly no one person's injury or injury history is ever the same so there will be no definitive answer but good luck

 Morgan Woods 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

I have some back/hip issues and found this interesting:

In reply to SouthernSteve:

I’ve seen alot of physios, a back surgeon (suppository lol), Docs and tried increasing volume slowly but it just gets to a point where I have to stop. 3x a week is normally breaking point. 

I can fix it for stress by yoga and figuring out what’s stressing me out and resolving it but when it’s running related I can’t. 

The surgeon ordered a scan and couldn’t find anything. The last physio said it’s my hip and to get as strong as possible now, which I haven’t done. 
i can do just about anything just not a lot. I do think it’s my hip. 

In reply to wbo2:

Resolving stress based problems with my head but physical based pain is harder but much less often. 

I was running way too much and stressed approaching the end of a career. 

 Neil Henson 20 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

I ran for a few years with a bad back. Had physio sessions, chiropractor sessions and a CT scan and none of these picked up any issues. Went to a different physio that diagnosed within half an hour a major issue with my left hip (the back stiffness was masking the real issue). An X-ray confirmed advanced osteoarthritis in my left hip. Had it replaced just under a year ago. 

So my advice would be to see a really good physio and / or get an X-ray. Your issue does sound similar to mine, but I'm no medical expert. 

 stubbed 20 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

I think you need pilates, frankly

I gave up running because of back problems - with pilates I think I could probably go back to it...

 Ciro 20 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

Sounds like you've spent a lot of time looking for the injuries and strengthening, but have you spent  enough time looking at the biomechanics of your running to prevent recurrence?

 wbo2 20 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

If your physio says do something, and you can't be bothered I'm not convinced internet advice will make much difference.  

Find a good physio, if you haven't already and then do what they say.  But weak backs, core and resulting running difficulties are a pretty common combo.

 Davvers 20 Jun 2023
In reply to Powered_by_Devon_Cream:

I had a constant knee issue that two physios couldn't fix (one made it worse!)

I was about to give up and found Shane Benzie at Running Reborn, who completely changed the way I ran and never had a problem since ! (apart from eating to many pies ;-0 )

He analysed my body movement and was able to 'correct' 

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