Summer Spine

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 BusyLizzie 17 Jun 2023

I'm settling in for a busy week dot-watching.

 lowersharpnose 17 Jun 2023
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Thanks for that.  I would have missed the dot watching.

OP BusyLizzie 21 Jun 2023
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Well we seem less excited about this than sometimes, not sure why, but I have been enjoying the daily videos.

How do people train for non-stop races that pretty much require sleep deprivation? I suppose one can just trundle out one evening, run all night and stagger home the next morning but (a) one would then be a bit wrecked for work and (b) the serious runners that I follow on strava don't seem to do that.

 mountainbagger 21 Jun 2023
In reply to BusyLizzie:

> How do people train for non-stop races that pretty much require sleep deprivation? I suppose one can just trundle out one evening, run all night and stagger home the next morning...

My friend did exactly that (just once in the lead up as it is quite tiring) on a Friday evening so had the rest of the weekend to get over it!

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