Ultra bucket list

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 Herdwickmatt 17 Jul 2022

I'm trying to compile a list a dream/bucket list races in the UK/Europe. 

What woould your must do races be? I like mountains and I like woodlands. I don't like canal tow paths or flats!

Recommendations please!

 plyometrics 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

In the U.K. Lakeland 50 / 100 is a classic. 
UTMB the obvious choice for Europe.

 DaveHK 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Not races but at least one of the big three UK 24hr rounds should be on the bucket list of anyone who loves running long distances in the hills. 

Post edited at 13:43
 ExiledScot 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Tromso skyrace

 gooberman-hill 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Tor des Geants

Mt Blanc 90

 Welsh Kate 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

The Spine? Or the Challenger if not the full length?

 Matt Podd 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

I’ve only done ultras in Britain, but for long the Dragons back and Cape Wrath trail take some beating - if your rich!

Dalesway by Punk Panther was a very fine ultra. Fellsman in Yorkshire was also memorable and a bit hilly!

OP Herdwickmatt 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Matt Podd:

I'm not loaded and have 3 kids so time and money is at a premium! I like the idea of a multistage race, but it might need to wait a few years!

I don't even know where to begin with thinking about something like Tor Des Geants.... It seems inconceivably large.

 SouthernSteve 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Would you consider these as bucket listable?

lakes in a day

northern traverse

have you done any of the Hardmoors? I haven’t but people always speak well of them. 

OP Herdwickmatt 17 Jul 2022
In reply to SouthernSteve:

A bucket list is personal so I guess anything can be on it. 

I've only done the marathon hardmoors races before but met Jon(?) The organiser when doing my first ever ultra, seemed like a quality human who enjoyed inflicting suffering on others!

I think I'm trying to get inspiration for the next few years! 

 Only a Crag 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

try the Kerry Way Ultra 200km ultra, a mixture of mountain passes, green trails, boggy ground, wire-covered sleepers, country roads and a minimum of main road.

Qualifying points for UTMB etc as well 

 Forest Dump 17 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

For me the multi stage and remote ones appeal, so Dragon's Back, Cape Wrath. All in ones, some of the Gower and Cornish coastal path events. 

Though I've never ran more than half marathon and my last long distance walk was 2016, so a way to go yet! 

 olek632 18 Jul 2022

Mt Blanc 90 for sure.

 yorkshireman 18 Jul 2022
In reply to olek632:

> Mt Blanc 90 for sure.

I agree it's an amazing race, slightly earlier in the year so longer daylight and potentially less hot although when I did it, it was too hot and I abandoned with heatstroke 10k from the end. However I would caveat that it's a really hard race - for a 90k it packs in a lot of challenging vertical so probably one to build up to or risk getting spat out. 

Someone mentioned the UTMB some might say predictably but I really enjoyed it, and the points system ensures you get to build up to it and pick so interesting races. 

Shameless plug: To the OP, if you're looking for a fun European one with UTMB points as a bonus my running club in the Vercors run this every year and I strongly recommend it if you're just getting started on European mountains as it's fairly low key, challenging but stays below 2000m, and friendly.

I've written a few race reports on my blog at over the years so maybe some inspiration there. 

I'm taking an easy year this year but my future bucket list includes the Échappée Belle, Haute Trail Vanoise (had to miss it last week because of my mum's funeral) and maybe in the longer term TdG or even PTL. 

 Dark-Cloud 18 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Ultra Tour Monte Rosa

Eiger Ultra Trail


to name a few good ones that i would have on my list, if i had the fitness to do them that is....

Post edited at 14:08

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