Guide / Trad instructor recommendations Lake District - Late July

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 Monty 05 Jul 2024

Hi All,

I am due to visit the Lake District at the end of July with the family and am hoping to book a guide / instructor for a day or two to take me and my son (14) out to do some easy trad climbing. My recent climbing experience has been mainly indoor with an increasing amount of sport climbing in Cheddar, a handful or sport routes completed in the Lakes, along with some fixed top roping at some locations on Dartmoor (Sheeps Tor, Haytor) and previously at Dancing Ledge. I have done some roped scrambles in North Wales and feel fairly confident with rope work and the principles involved with building anchors etc. Though I have limited experience of actually independently going out and climbing trad routes and my son has not climbed any trad routes at all.

I used to climb regularly in my teens with a club (which seems like a long time ago) and have seconded Trad routes with other climbing partners at Chudleigh, Cheddar and the Dewerstone. Looking for the reassurance of an experienced guide / instructor to help us climb safely and do a few easy routes while we are staying in Ambleside.

I have a reasonable amount of passive trad protection (nuts, offsets and hexes) , along with slings, quick draws, harness, shoes and single ropes, but the trad gear is somewhat languishing at the moment as I am lacking the confidence to go out and use it.

My son is comfortable leading sport indoors and lower grades outside, though due to age restrictions in our local climbing centre has limited lead belay experience. And the sport routes he has done outside have been mainly climbed as a second on a top rope set-up.

Any recommendations you can offer for who to contact would be greatly appreciated. A google about has revealed a confusing range of options?

Thanks in advance


 shutuplegsuk 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Monty:

I met Will Lord a couple of weeks ago, thoroughly nice person and a very competent climber. I’m sure he’d be a great choice.

 Mark Eddy 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Monty:

I'm full now for July so can't help directly, but I can recommend some locally based instructors:

Jim at

Sam at


Post edited at 06:56
 MarkWork 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Monty:

+1 for Will Lord. 

 mike123 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Monty: if you want to be based in Keswick  : Chris Higgins

 wert 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Monty:

Esther Foster is excellent. Can’t recommend her highly enough. She lives in Keswick and knows the Lakes exceptionally well.

 mike123 06 Jul 2024
In reply to mike123: I would highly recommend being based o  Keswick and having a couple of days at Shepard’s . Knowbody goes there anymore and despite being a bit green is the perfect  place to learn all affects of trad .

Post edited at 08:41
 D.botts87 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Monty:

Hey Monty 

I have some availability end of July.

Lakes based. Feel free get in touch


OP Monty 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Monty:

Thank you all for the recommendations. I will contact a few and see who's available.



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