Help required !

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 lee.graham4 30 Jun 2024

Hi guys hoping you guys can help me out I have been climbing now for about 3 years but would far from say I am to good me and a friend are venturing to wales in search of some sport routes with hopefully some nice camping around any suggestions would be really appreciated 

 tew 30 Jun 2024
In reply to lee.graham4:

Couple of questions.

  • Where in Wales are you going?
  • What kind of grades do you climb?
  • Are you driving or taking public transport?
  • Do you have rockfax or are you up for getting a guide book?
In reply to lee.graham4:

There's a nice campsite just above the YHA in Llanberis, & some relatively easy sport climbing nearby on the slate

 probablylost 01 Jul 2024
In reply to lee.graham4:

If any bit of Wales is on the cards then Gower is a good option for a range of grades and just being a nice place.

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