To the guy at the Westway

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 Morgan Woods 21 Dec 2006
climbing the auto-belay (and routes) with a rope tied to his back and his shiny new rack hanging from his harness....

you could just use a weight belt.
 gingerdave13 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods: please no,,,,, you are kidding,,

mind you maybe he's trying to set up a top rope and is with someone not allowed to belay,,

oorrr he could just be an idiot.
 Adam Lincoln 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods:

Let him get on with it and do his own thing!
 Mike Stretford 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods: he might not have a weight belt.
 Al Evans 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Adam Lincoln: Adam always talks sense.
 Ian McNeill 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods:

please provide photographic evidence than we might just believe you 0 you can fuzz out or pixleate the face to preserve privacy...

please ....
 Craig Geddes 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods: He's just spent a packet on his rack and now you want him to buy a weight belt to?
OP Morgan Woods 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Adam Lincoln:

i'm just curious as to what his "thing" is?
 JamieAyres 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods:

Well follow him into the showers then.
 Chris the Tall 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods:
> (In reply to Adam Lincoln)
> i'm just curious as to what his "thing" is?
Getting used to the weight presumably - I'm sure I climbed better when I was younger and couldn't afford friends. And a rope on the back can be a bit awkward, so if he expects to do a lot of climbing like that - why not try it out.

Alternatively he's just bought a load of gear but doesn't trust people enough to leave it lying around

 SiWood 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods:

Possibly the same guy who I saw at Brunel wall years ago with a full rack of large hexes.
He also had odd boots on claiming it was only possible climb a certain traverse with one type of boot on one foot and another type on the other.

Wingman 21 Dec 2006
In reply to SiWood:
> (In reply to Morgan Woods)
> Possibly the same guy who I saw at Brunel wall years ago with a full rack of large hexes.
> He also had odd boots on claiming it was only possible climb a certain traverse with one type of boot on one foot and another type on the other.
> Jeeez!!

or just witness James Pearsons ascent of Equilibrium (odd boots). ......

 gingerdave13 21 Dec 2006
In reply to SiWood: ahh but it's more than entirely plausible at brunel, as you can practice leader placed pro there.

I for my sins did learn there, but my first weekend on grit (hell first one outdoors) I was leading quite happily,,, ermm well that's probably not the correct word buut you get the idea.
 SiWood 21 Dec 2006
In reply to gingerdave13:

OK maybe stand corrected.

(But I am sure he was still a knob !!)
 centurion05 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods:

most people have a rope and a rack, most people don't have a weight belt

 gingerdave13 21 Dec 2006
In reply to SiWood: thankfully I can categorically say i've never climbed with odd shoes on though - so i'm not the person you're referring to,,,
 deepsoup 21 Dec 2006
In reply to centurion05:
> most people have a rope and a rack, most people don't have a weight belt

A full rack of Alpkit Jamalots (TM), that's the thing to sort the men from the boys!
 2pints 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Wingman:
> (In reply to SiWood)
> [...]
> or just witness James Pearsons ascent of Equilibrium (odd boots). ......

Or more importantly..

2pints on his ascent of Tango Crack Stanage High Neb last saturday
 Matt Rees 21 Dec 2006
In reply to deepsoup:

THose look class. I might have to get a set. Do they do a larger breeze block size for offwidths?
 Dominion 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Morgan Woods:

> climbing the auto-belay (and routes) with a rope tied to his back and his shiny new rack hanging from his harness....

> you could just use a weight belt.

Was he also picking out quickdraws at every bolt hanger, sorting through his rack for an appropriate bit of gear, spending some time faffing around pretending to place it, and so on?

To be honest he can do whatever he damn well pleases, and if you don't like it, you can sneer on RT about it as much as you like. But if you didn't bother asking him whay he was doing it, then your sneering may be even more pointless.

He might be trying to find out whether he can climb at the top end of his grade with the additional weight of a rope and a harness.

In which case, sneer all you like, he wins...

 Niall 21 Dec 2006
In reply to Dominion:

Fair point. Morgan, ask him next time, cause I want to know now too

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