Great resole/refurb rockshoe service

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 salancaster 08 May 2018

[email protected]

Brilliant service again! George refurbished 2 pairs of Miuras - they are better than new - comfy and in shape. On one pair, new soles, new midsole, stitched liners, new rands - fantastic.

 French Erick 09 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

What was the price range though? Many can do a stellar job if they get paid the price of new!

In reply to salancaster:

> Brilliant service again! George refurbished 2 pairs of Miuras - they are better than new - comfy and in shape. On one pair, new soles, new midsole, stitched liners, new rands - fantastic.

I’ve just had a pair of 5.10 Anasazi VC’s resoled by George and he’s done a superb job. 

 Jim 1003 09 May 2018
In reply to Christheclimber:

> I’ve just had a pair of 5.10 Anasazi VC’s resoled by George and he’s done a superb job. 

How much?

J1234 09 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

This sounds dodgey to me. Posting shoes to Greece. No address, just an email address and a guy called George. No one says how much.

 kingborris 09 May 2018
In reply to J1234:

i had a load of shoes repaired by George last year.  worked out about 25 Euro a pair including return postage.

Very pleased with the results and will definitely be using him again.  

 Sandstonier 09 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

Certainly sounds like a good antidote to the rock shoe price fixing ring that operates here in the UK.

 nufkin 09 May 2018
In reply to Sandstonier:

>  the rock shoe price fixing ring that operates here in the UK

Why else would Steve McClure and Adam Ondra have joined the freemasons?

OP salancaster 09 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

The price is pretty much the same or cheaper than any I have had done in the UK. You pay for the cost of postage out George covers it back. About £30/£35 per pair all in.

But the quality is no where near comparable, it's a different league. George maintains the shape of the last, puts full new rands on, will stitch anything that needs it, replaces velcro straps. The resoles do not de-laminate or peel.  Check out his videos on youtube for the address and workmanship.

I'm not in this for anything than publicizing a fantastic service.

The only downside is the turnaround in time - but that's not really an issue.

 JamieSparkes Global Crag Moderator 09 May 2018
In reply to J1234:

Very much not dodgy, though admittedly the OP could have given a bit more info:

High tech services - Papoutsi Express.

they're on facebook and youtube if you want to see work examples.

for what it's worth, I've had 3 pairs done by George, all were back within a week and cost around £30/pair including postage. The quality is fantastic, customer service is brilliant and includes a detailed breakdown of what's been done and I'll be sending more his way. 

I had a pair done by feetfirst at the same time - they took 2 weeks, and fell apart on the second route I used them on. Sent them back, waited another 2 weeks to get them back, and they're alreay peeling off at the toe. 

J1234 09 May 2018
In reply to JamieSparkes:

Cheers, thats more like it. I have 2 pairs I need resoleing. I hope you are keeping well.

In reply to Jim 1003:

> How much?

Resole was €27 and postage about £7.00. Think it worked out at about £32.00 in total though it would work out slightly cheaper per pair if you sent two pairs for resole.

Deadeye 09 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

I've also used George and would do so again

 phil456 09 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

+1, brilliant 

 stp 10 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

I've heard V12 in Llanberis also do a very good resole. Presumably cheaper postage and quicker for those of us in the UK.

(BTW did he give you permisson to post his email address? On a public site like this the email address is likely to get picked up by spambots sooner or later and could end up inundated with spam.)

In reply to stp:

> I've heard V12 in Llanberis also do a very good resole. Presumably cheaper postage and quicker for those of us in the UK.

Aren't the V12 resoles done by Torquil of Llanberis Resoles?  I've had many pairs done by him - Dragons, Miuras, Futura no-edge.  A very good job done on all. 

 stp 11 May 2018
In reply to thebigfriendlymoose:

I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised. I know that some folk send their boots from Sheffield to Wales rather than get their shoes resoled locally because the quality is better though.

Has anyone thought of doing harness repairs yet? There's a potential new business opportunity for anyone with the time and inclination.

 guy127917 11 May 2018
In reply to stp:

Not sure about that- what kind of repairs were you thinking of? Harnesses are cheaper than shoes and also wear out a lot less quickly. Then there is the obvious question of liability in the case of a repair failing and causing injury or death etc.

 galpinos 11 May 2018
In reply to thebigfriendlymoose:

No 5.10 rubber now though, only Vibram.

 DannyC 11 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

George did three pairs of Scarpa Instincts for me this year and even sent me little videos to show his work in progress. I genuinely can't believe how good a job he did. Two of them were holed right through and they came back basically as new. Top work! 



 stp 11 May 2018
In reply to guy127917:

I've just been trying to replace the protective sheath that protects the leg loops on mine. This is always the bit that wears out first on harnesses, just like the soles on shoes are usually the first bit to go.

I think a service that replaced that with a more hard wearing material could extend the lifespan of harnesses considerably.

 Jim 1003 11 May 2018
In reply to DannyC:

Im gonna send him a couple of pairs, do you just email him first?


 JamieSparkes Global Crag Moderator 11 May 2018
In reply to Jim 1003:

Just drop him a quick email and he'll get back to you pretty quick. 

 Jim 1003 15 May 2018
In reply to JamieSparkes:



 HakanT 16 May 2018
In reply to salancaster:

Another glowing endorsement for George. I just got a pair of Anasazis back from him. They had been resoled and had a rand repair in the UK and felt pretty dead. I sent them to George to see what he could do. He tore them down, re-stitched a torn seam, replaced the midsole and repaired the rands. Like the OP said, they are better than new. Nice and snug but shaped to my foot. The most amazing thing is that you can't even tell that the rands have been repaired because he did such a nice job. All for €35 +£7.45 to ship them to Greece.

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