Festive Leftovers and Xmas Hill Snacks, Ranked

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From Christmas cake to cold brussel sprouts, Fliss Freeborn and friends hill-test seasonal treats and leftovers. Which Yuletide goodies offer the biggest calorie hit for the weight; which foods can be tackled wearing ski gloves; and which are best left at home..?

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 robertmichaellovell Global Crag Moderator 21 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

That is great, and I'm very happy that pigs in blankets came out on top. Although, being pretty much the best bit about Christmas in the first place, it's quite unlikely that there will be any left after the big day.

 Doug 21 Dec 2022

Back when I used to frequently camp in winter we often bought Christmas puddings cheap just after the holiday & then had fried slices of pudding for breakfast (best with butter).

And no mention of Black bun ?

In reply to Doug:

I had to Google that. Fruit cake covered in pastry - it had to be Scottish. Sounds like coronary on a plate, which I guess would make it good hill food

 bouldery bits 21 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

This is the hard hitting journalism we need. 


 johnlc 21 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

Another great article by Fliss.

I would definitely vote for Christmas cake.  It doesn't freeze, doesn't need lots of drink to help it down, easy to prepare so that you get out of the house in good time and is delicious.  And contains marzipan, which is always a good thing.

 elliot.baker 21 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

Can you have too much of a good thing though? I remember one day on Kinder Scout a few years ago, just after xmas day, where we essentially had a pot luck / fuddle between 3 friends.

The resultant feast, washed down with some nice whiskey practically sent us to sleep but we had to get off the hill first!

 Dr.S at work 21 Dec 2022
In reply to Dan Bailey -

> I had to Google that. Fruit cake covered in pastry - it had to be Scottish. Sounds like coronary on a plate, which I guess would make it good hill food

Pah! nothing on Sussex pond - you do need a pretty serious stove setup to boil one for four hours however.

Now a batterd Sussex pond.......

 Guy Hurst 21 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

A few times in the distant past a few of us took a flask of hot gravy with us on the hills to eat with cold turkey and roast potatoes. Worked quite well, especially with the roasties.

 Grahame N 22 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

> Fliss Freeborn and friends hill-test seasonal treats and leftovers. Which Yuletide goodies offer the biggest calorie hit for the weight; which foods can be tackled wearing ski gloves; and which are best left at home..?

What a thought-provoking exposé!  However in recent years my favourite leftover Christmas hill snack has got to be stollen.  Made with butter and marzipan its beautifully moist, and I guess not lacking in calories.  Bet it would have scored in the high 30s.

 Sue Sharp 31 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

Love your articles Fliss. Just the right mix of useful info and hilarity! 

 65 31 Dec 2022
In reply to Doug:

> Back when I used to frequently camp in winter we often bought Christmas puddings cheap just after the holiday & then had fried slices of pudding for breakfast (best with butter).

Why has frying slices of xmas pudding in butter never occurred to me? That sounds almost as satisfying as refried dauphinois potatoes.

> And no mention of Black bun ?

You need to have grown up reading Oor Wullie to know about that one. Fruitcake pie, what's not to like.

OP: Xmas cake is definitely my favourite hill fodder. Ours generally lasts well into the spring, mainly consumed on the hills.

 Offwidth 31 Dec 2022
In reply to Sue Sharp:

Indeed.... I never expected UKC would boost the current PiB price bubble in such an interesting and humorous way.

 Jenny C 31 Dec 2022
In reply to 65:

My grandad who grew up on a farm in N. Ireland always talked about frying leftover Christmas pud.

However with myself and my Dad around there never are any leftovers. Infact mum used make two as I liked to have it as a treat for my birthday (in June).

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